Investor alert: Mercury Global Ltd


Mercury Global Ltd is not authorised by Finansinspektionen. The company has a website (, where it claims to have an address in the Bahamas. The address is 1 Bay Street, Commerce Center, Suite 400-28, PO Box N-643, Nassau, Bahamas. Mercury Global Ltd is not an authorised firm in the Bahamas.

Finansinspektionen has received information that Mercury Global Ltd has ap-proached investors in Sweden by telephone. Mercury Global Ltd offers the in-vestors to buy shares or invest in funds.

The investors are offered to buy shares in PST, a company claimed to be registered under the address P.O. Box 147, The Valley, Anguilla, British West Indies. The company also informs about offices in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Aberdeen, UK and in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The company has a website (

Concerning investment in funds, the investors are offered to invest in funds managed by Apex Management Ltd and APEX Opportunity Fund Ltd. The companies inform about an address in the UK. The address is APEX Manage-ment Ltd, Conference House, 152 Morrison Street, The Exchange, Edinburgh EH3 8EB, United Kingdom. The company has a website ( There are no authorised firms in the UK with the name Apex Management Ltd or Apex Opportunity Fund Ltd.

Dnr 05-4912-331