About fi.se

FI’s website should be used to streamline the authority’s activities, give good service to firms and the pubic and ensure openness and transparency.

Welcome to FI's website

The website contains: 

  • relevant information for firms, consumers of financial services, the media and other parties
  • guidelines for firms under FI's supervision
  • interactive services within several areas.

If you would like to follow us, you can subscribe to our press releases, major shareholding notification announcements and new information.

Please send us an email at webbredaktionen@fi.se and let us know what you think!


The written material provided on the website may be freely reproduced, provided that the source is specified. FI is the copyright holder unless otherwise specified.

Some restrictions apply to images and graphic designs:

Portrait photographs in the Photo archive may be used by the media for editorial purposes. Other images may not be used without permission from FI's Communications Office.

FI's logo is a registered trademark. No firms, whether under supervision or registered, may use this logo in any way.

Release from liability

FI strives to keep the information on this website updated and correct, but information found on the website shall not be viewed as legally binding. With regard to regulations, the printed version is the valid version.

We sometimes provide links to other websites. Our goal is to ensure that these links are always up-to-date, but they may change without our knowledge.

Content removal

Most of the pages with a publication date ("News pages") at fi.se are unpublished after five years. This rule does not apply to the pages published in the following lists: Reports, Sanctions, Statistics, Board Meetings, Important PMs and Decisions and Speeches and Debate.

Accessibility for people with disabilities

FI's website has been developed using WCAG 2.0 and W3C/WAI's guidelines for how to construct a website that facilitates accessibility for disabled visitors.

Web browser

The website is compatible with the following web browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Internet Explorer
  • Chrome
  • Safari

FI's reporting system also uses web interfaces. 

Cookies at www.fi.se

Pursuant to the Electronic Communications Act, everyone visiting a website with cookies must be informed that the website uses cookies and for what purpose. Visitors must also agree to the use of cookies.

Cookies are small text files that are saved on the visitor's computer. One of the most common uses for cookies is to keep track of who has answered online surveys, so as to avoid the same person answering several times. They are also used for statistics. However, cookies may also be needed for the fundamental functions of a website, for example to make sure that a choice you make on one website follows you to the next website.

There are two types of cookies:

  • Session cookies, which are stored temporarily on the computer while you are on the website. They are erased when you close your web browser.
  • Cookies that are stored on the computer for a longer period of time, e.g. until a pre-determined expiration date. These are sometimes called persistent cookies.

Cookies used at www.fi.se

The following is a list of the cookies we use at www.fi.se.

Name: ASP.NET_SessionId
Domain: fi.se 

A session cookie used for the functionality of the website. The cookie does not save personal information about visitors and cannot be used to track visits to other websites. It disappears when you close your browser.

Namn: finanscentralen.fi.se
Domän: fi.se

A session cookie used for the functionality of the website Börsinformation.

Name: Soundcloud
Domain: https://w.soundcloud.com

Third-party cookies that come from Soundcloud where we store our podcast that are inbedded in our web site fi.se.

Name: IDE
Domain: doubleclick.net

Domain: .youtube.com

Name: YSC
Domain: .youtube.com

Third-party cookies from Google when visiting a webpage at www.fi.se where we have embedded one or more of the videos from our YouTube channel. The cookies are used for marketing and advertising purposes, etc.

Name: PhxAuthN
Domain: portal.finansinspektionen.se

Name: PhxAuthN
Domain: portal.finansinspektionen.se

Session cookies used by FI's Reporting Portal.

Share functions

If you click on the share functions on www.fi.se, you will be forwarded to the websites for Twitter, Linkedin or Facebook. These websites place their own cookies in your browser.

Last reviewed: 2025-02-10