FFFS 2022:10

Regulations amending Finansinspektionen’s regulations (FFFS 2013:9) regarding Swedish UCITS

In force from 2022-06-07 , amending FFFS 2013:9


The regulatory amendments apply to foreign UCITS and foreign management companies.
The amendments entail in part that;

  • Foreign UCITS and foreign management companies shall provide the information on the tasks the functions in Sweden perform on a durable medium
  • Foreign UCITS shall disclose their intention to terminate marketing in Sweden by providing the information on their websites
  • Foreign UCITS may use all types of electronic communication or another technology for distance communication to provide remaining unit holders in Sweden with the information when the marketing has been terminated.

The aim of the regulatory amendments is to implement amendments to the UCITS Directive, for which the authority has been mandated to issue regulations. The amendments enter into force from 7 June 2022. Amendment 2022:10
