About investor alerts

Finansinspektionen issues warnings about companies when there are grounds to suspect that they are offering Swedish consumers and investors financial services or products without the necessary authorisation from Sweden or EU.

Investor alerts

These companies offer questionable investments and services that often prove to be worthless.

FI also publishes warnings from other countries. According to an agreement within the European Securities and markets Authority, ESMA, all warnings from supervisory authorities in the EU are published. Warnings from authorities in countries outside the EU are published through the International Organisation of Securities Commission, IOSCO. FI issues warnings about the companies as soon as we have knowledge about them. Our information is, therefore, continuously updated and is never complete.

The alerts are presented as followed:

Company: Company's name. Synonyms may exist.

Source: The supervisory authority that issued the warning.

Date: The date that the supervisory authority issued its warning. Note that the date in some cases can be older than the time when FI publishes the firm on the warning list.

This list is not complete and additional institutions may be added. FI's recommendation to the public is to always check FI's registry on institutions that have licenses to offer financial services.

For further information, please contact the Consumer Affairs Division, +46 8 408 980 00.

Last reviewed: 2025-01-09