The financial electricity market

2005-05-12 | Reports Markets

Authority (FI)), the financial energy trading establishment leaves something to be desired interms of its management of communications and manner of dealing with conflicts of interest. It is important to address these shortcomings in the interests of improving the functioning of the market and increasing participation in the market. At the same time, from a regulatory viewpoint, the financial electricity market is not sufficiently significant to justify a higher ranking among FI's priority areas and an intensification of FI's involvement in this area at the expense of its other responsibilities.

Electricity derivatives, electricity-related commercial paper and emission rights are all
relatively new phenomena that, despite the differences among them, have two common
denominators: they relate to the area of energy and the environment, and they are legally
defined as financial instruments. The latter implies that the laws and regulations that apply to
other financial trading must also be applied to these markets. It also implies that companies
that conduct trading in electricity-related financial instruments and in emission rights are
subject to regulation by FI.

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