Deposit institutions

“Deposit operations” refers to the receipt of funds from the general public, for example via deposits in accounts or the issuance of bonds.

The operations of deposit institutions are regulated by the Deposit Business Act (2004:299). The act was repealed January 1, 2021 which means that only some institutions who were registered before the repeal are permitted to conduct deposit operations. 

For the institutions that are permitted to continue their operations the following applies:

  • The funds should be available to the claim owner within a maximum of one year. Deposit operations may only be conducted by limited liability companies and economic associations which are registered with FI.
  • Funds placed with a firm which conducts deposit operations are not covered by the deposit guarantee. Deposit institutions are allowed to receive a maximum of SEK 50,000 per consumer.

Deposit institutions are not subject to FI's supervision, but FI conducts controls of the suitability of owners and management. Changes in management or owners should be reported to FI.


FI charges an annual supervision fee of SEK 25,000.

Other information

  • The operational description set out in the articles of association/by-laws should state that the firm will conduct deposit operations and, where applicable, other financial operations. Articles of association/by-laws are registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
  • Swedish deposit institutions must submit information to FI on an annual basis, although no later than 30 June, on the qualifying holdings of owners in accordance with FFFS 2011:14.

Last reviewed: 2025-01-02