Derivatives trade (EMIR)

The EU Regulation governing OTC derivatives, central counterparties and transaction registers (EMIR) affects all firms that enter into any form of derivative contract – both financial and non-financial firms. Central counterparties and transaction registers must be authorised.


Clarification of Finansinspektionen's sanction decision against Nasdaq Clearing AB

2021-01-29 | News EMIR Markets

By its decision of 26 January 2021, Finansinspektionen (FI) issued Nasdaq Clearing AB a warning for serious deficiencies in its operations. According to the decision, Nasdaq Clearing must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 300 million.

Nasdaq Clearing receives warning and administrative fine of MSEK 300

2021-01-27 | News EMIR Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) is issuing Nasdaq Clearing AB a warning for serious deficiencies in its operations, in part in conjunction with a member of the firm’s commodities market being declared in default in 2018. Nasdaq Clearing must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 300 million.


ESMA on the exemption for pension scheme arrangements from the clearing obligation

2018-07-05 | ESMA News EMIR

The European Securities and Markets Authority (Esma) published on 3 July 2018 a statement on the exemption for pension scheme arrangements (PSAs) from the clearing obligation. The objective of the statement is to avoid, to the extent possible, disruption after 17 August 2018 when the current exemption for PSAs from the clearing obligation expires.