About financial reporting supervision

Monitoring of periodic financial information (financial reporting supervision) helps both provide protection for investors and generate confidence in the capital market. The supervision should also ensure that the accounting regulations are applied in a harmonised manner in all regulated markets within the EEA.

The legislation governing financial reporting supervision was amended as of 1 January 2019. Under the amendment, the statutory requirement for a stock exchange to conduct financial reporting supervision was removed. FI was instead given the possibility of transferring the task of monitoring issuers' periodic financial information to a body consisting of representatives from the area of financial reporting. FI's Board of Directors decided on 9 January 2019 to delegate this task to the Board for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision. Below is a description of the roles of FI and the Board with regard to financial reporting supervision.

Board for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision

The Board for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision is an expert body under the Swedish Association for Generally Accepted Principles in the Securities Market. The Board is responsible for the day-to-day supervision of annual reports, consolidated reports and interim reports from issuers who are subject to Chapter 16, section 1, first paragraph of the Securities Market Act (2007:528). This means the Board reviews that these financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable regulations and, if necessary, instructs issuers to rectify their reporting. The Board represents Sweden in the work within the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) by participating in the EU authority's working groups for financial reporting supervision.

The Board consists of a chair, a deputy chair, and five members, as well as an administrative manager. More information about the Board's composition and activities is available at its website (redovisningstillsyn.se).

FI is ultimately responsible

FI is ultimately responsible for the financial reporting supervision in Sweden and has the authority to intervene against infringements. According to the regulatory framework, the Board turns over matters to FI primarily in two cases: when the issuer is not cooperating with the Board and when the issuer's infringement cannot be considered negligible in the meaning of the Securities Markets Act. FI represents Sweden in ESMA's work related to financial reporting supervision by participating in the EU authority's working groups, its Corporate Reporting Standing Committee and its Board of Supervisors.


As of 1 January 2024, the issuers referred to in Chapter 16, section 1, first paragraph of the Securities Market Act will pay an annual fee of SEK 30,000 to FI. The Board is also entitled to charge fees for the supervision it conducts. These fees by law must be reasonable.

Please email any questions about financial reporting supervision to finansiellinformation@fi.se.

Board for Swedish Financial Reporting Supervision

Finansinspektionen's regulations (FFFS 2018:18) regarding supervision of issuers' periodic financial information

New organisation for financial reporting supervision, Bill 2017/18:242 (In Swedish)

Securities Market Act (2007:528) (Chapters 16, 23 and 25) (In Swedish)

FI proposes new organisation for financial reporting supervision (2017-06-29) (In Swedish)

FI amends consultation response on financial reporting supervision (2017-01-09) (In Swedish)

ESMA's guidelines on enforcement of financial information

Last reviewed: 2024-08-26