FFFS 2011:14

Regulations and general guidelines regarding reporting of owners' qualifying holdings and participating interests

In force from 2011-05-01


The regulations require that information regarding general register information, qualifying holdings, subsidiaries, step-down subsidiaries and other participating interests shall be submitted to Finansinspektionen.

The reporting obligation applies to joint stock banks, members' banks, savings banks, credit market companies, credit market associations, investment firms, fund management companies, insurance companies, insurance associations, mutual national insurance companies, exchanges, authorised market places, clearing organisations and electronic money institutions.

Deposit entities and financial institutions shall report information regarding owners' qualifying holdings.

The information is reported via Finansinspektionen's website.

The regulations adapt the regulatory framework to the new Insurance Business Act (2010:2043) and subsequent changes in other acts and ordinances. The regulations repeal FFFS 2004:17.


The amendments entail that the term clearing organisation has been replaced with the term clearing company and are a result of the term clearing organisation being removed from the Securities Market Act (2007:528). In addition, the term authorised marketplaces has been removed.

The amendments introduce a requirement that information must be provided on firms that are part of a consolidated situation, pursuant to the Securities Companies Regulation (2019/2033/EU), due to the new Regulation.

The amendments enter into force on 7 July 2021. Amendment 2021:18

FI is adjusting terms and phrases in the appendices to agree with those used in the Capital Requirements Regulation. FI is also updating references to acts and regulations that have been repealed with references to the acts and regulations that replaced them. The amendments enter into force on 2 August 2014. Amendment 2014:23

