Moa Langemark is FI’s new consumer protection economist

2024-01-31 | Consumer News Consumer

A clear and independent voice is needed to help consumers on the financial market. Moa Langemark will now take on the role of consumer protection economist at Finansinspektionen. She will undertake overall responsibility for supporting and developing our consumer protection work. Together with Director General Daniel Barr, Moa will also be FI’s spokesperson in consumer protection-related matters.

Every day many people in Sweden must make major – and often difficult – financial decisions, for example saving for their pension or borrowing money to buy a home. At the same time, it can be difficult to understand how the financial market works or know where to turn for information. Consumers receive a deluge of financial tips and advice, often from financial companies.

"Consumer protection is a focus area at FI. It is related to both how we conduct our supervision of financial firms and the communication that directly targets consumers. As our new consumer protection economist, Moa Langemark will be able to contribute independent guidance that is not linked to commercial interests," says Finansinspektionen's Director General Daniel Barr.

Moa Langemark has extensive experience in consumer protection, most recently as a senior advisor on consumer protection at FI and from previous positions at the Department of Finance and as a savings analyst at Avanza Bank.

"We know that many consumers find their personal finances a bit complicated and boring. I want more people to understand how they can gain control over their wallets, often by following a few simple steps. With FI's expert knowledge behind me, I hope to be able to help more consumers find the right products and avoid traps in the financial market," says Moa Langemark, consumer protection economist at FI.

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