Contact us

Finansinspektionen (FI) is the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority. FI supervises and monitors companies operating in financial markets. Companies offering financial services in Sweden require permits issued by FI.

E-mail us or

How to send encrypted emails

Call us

Switchboard: +46 (0)8 408 980 00, Fax: +46 (0)8 24 13 35

Registrar: +46 (0)8 408 983 50, weekdays 9AM–16.30AM

Complaints regarding firms and questions from consumers/customers/investors

  1. Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau/Swedish Consumers Insurance Bureau, Telephone hours 9:00AM–12:00PM, telephone +46 (0)200 22 58 00,
  2. Finansinspektionen, weekdays 9:00AM–11:00AM, via the switchboard +46 (0)8 408 980 00,

Tip-offs – Whistleblowers

FI accepts tip-offs about breaches to the rules on the financial markets.

Tip-offs – Let FI know


For the financial industry

Apply for authorisation or submit a notification: 
Email your application/notification to

FI's Innovation Center,

Questions about prospectuses: +46 (0)8 408 981 85, weekdays 9AM–11AM,

Questions about reporting: Questions from firms and persons subject to the reporting obligation. +46 (0)8 408 980 37, weekdays 9AM–11AM.

Questions about suitability assessments and owner management suitability assessments: +46 (0)8-408 980 83, weekdays except Wednesday 9AM–11AM. 

During the summer (weeks 25–33) our telephone support will be temporarily closed. However, our email support will be open like normal and support questions can be sent to We will announce when our telephone support is available again.

Visit us

Opening hours: The reception is open weekdays 8:30AM–5:00PM.
Days when FI is closed

Street address: Brunnsgatan 3 in downtown Stockholm

The closest subway station is Östermalmstorg, Stureplan exit.
The closest parking garage is on a parallel street, David Bagares gata 5–7.

Letters and courier deliveries are only received when the reception is open. Submitting material to FI

Postal address: Finansinspektionen, Box 7821, 103 97 Stockholm, Sweden


CIN: 202100-4235

Bank giro: 818-3790, 819-0175 (both require an invoice from us that has an OCR number) and 5050-6922 (no OCR number required). 
Send an e-invoice

Payment from a foreign country: Use our account number (IBAN) SE3312000000012810104549 at Danske Bank with BIC code DABASESX.

Last reviewed: 2024-06-28