What we do

Finansinspektionen is a supervisory authority that monitors the companies on the financial market.

Our mission is to contribute to a stable financial system characterised by high confidence, well-functioning markets, and a high level of consumer protection as well as sustainability.

Finansinspektionen monitors and analyses trends in the financial market. We assess the financial health of individual companies, the various sectors and the financial market as a whole. We examine the risks and control systems in financial companies and supervise compliance with statutes, ordinances and other regulations.

Operations that involve offering financial services require a permit granted by us. We issue regulations and general guidelines (FFFS) and assess whether existing legislation needs to be amended. We also supervise compliance with the Swedish Insider Act, investigate cases of suspected offences and share price manipulations.

We conduct onsite investigations at branches of Swedish companies located in other EU countries.

In addition, we monitor that companies disclose complete and clear information to the consumers and ensure that routines for such information function satisfactorily. Our duties also include preparing rules for financial reporting by financial companies.

Part of our mission is also to strengthen the consumers position on the financial market through financial education. 

Last reviewed: 2025-01-03