
Here we gather technical information about national reporting and according to ESMA's framework.

Alternative investment funds

Technical questions

How to report

The report is submitted in an XML file via the online reporting system, Periodic Reporting. This report does not have a graphic interface; it is done exclusively using an XML file. The XML file shall follow ESMA's specifications. Example files and instructions are available in the document AIFMD Reporting IT Technical Guidance on ESMA's website.

When reporting in SEK, the values are stated as whole numbers. When the XML file is appended to the report, the report shall be submitted to FI.

Templates for the report, as previously mentioned, are provided in the ESMA document Consolidated AIFMD Reporting Template.

What does "national code" mean?

The national code shall be entered in the reporting file. This corresponds to FI's institution number for AIF managers and AIFs. The institution number can be found in FI's Company Register.

When is the report approved?

FI validates all reports. Once the report is validated, an email is sent to the specified contact person to inform them that there is a validation result in the reporting system under the Messages tab. If validation has not been approved, the report must be corrected and resubmitted. Once the report is validated without errors, it is complete.

How do I gain access to the reporting system?

Previous access to periodic reporting is still valid in this system. New access is ordered by submitting an authorisation form.

We have received a validation error, what should we do?

Start by troubleshooting in ESMA's example files and instructions that are available here:

ESMA's example files and instructions

Are there any limitations on when revisions can be made?

No, the reporting system allows for revisions of older reports. One prerequisite for a revision to be approved is that it may not violate a validation rule. FI encourages firms to revise previously reported information without undue delay if there has been a change. The firm's information should therefore agree with the information that has been reported to FI.

Reporting of holdings

Swedish and foreign management companies will report the risks to which the UCITS is exposed in addition to the holdings in the fund.

AIF managers managing special funds shall report data that management companies previously reported for UCITS.

Technical questions

Where can I find technical information about the reports?

The zip folder with technical specifications below contains the following files (in swedish):

  • Anvisning-Fondinnehav-Specialfonder-Förenklad-2023-06-30.docx
  • Anvisning-Fondinnehav-Värdepappersfonder-Förenklad-2023-06-30.docx
  • Fondinnehav-Specialfonder-2023-06-30.xsd
  • Fondinnehav-Specialfonder-Detaljerad-2023-06-30.doc
  • Fondinnehav-Värdepappersfonder-2023-06-30.xsd
  • Fondinnehav-Värdepappersfonder-Detaljerad-2023-06-30.doc
  • Valideringsregler_2023-06-30.xlsx

The technical specifications were updated on 17 March 2023.

Schema and technical specifications of reporting holdings 2023-03-17 (zip-file)

What does the change in the technical specifications as of 26 September 2019 entail?

A control was introduced to check if any of the tags "MotpartOTC", "InsättningKonto" and "Företagsgrupp" were used. If they have been used, information must also be provided in subtags that belong to them. They cannot be left blank. This control will also be run on revised reports submitted after 26 September 2019.

What were the major changes in the technical specifications as of 5 March 2019?

The major changes in the technical specifications were as follows:

  • The name of a counterparty for an OTC derivative may only be reported once per fund, and the field may not be left blank or contain only numbers.
  • A unique combination of the name of the credit institution and the currency code may only be reported once per fund. The name of the credit institution may not be left blank, only contain numbers or consist solely of a currency code.
  • The name of a group may only be reported once per fund. The field may not be left blank or contain only numbers.
  • Every unit class must have a unique ISIN code.
  • If a fund reports a performance-based fee, both the hurdle and the return threshold must be reported.
  • If a fund is authorised to use a value at risk model as its risk assessment method, the value at risk, the holding period, and the confidence interval must all be reported.

For more detailed information, refer to the document "Tekniska specifikationer Schema och anvisningar Fondinnehav", which is available on this page.

What changes were made to the technical specifications for reporting as of 31 March 2021?

The schema contains no new data, but the reporting of fund holdings prior to 31 March 2021 contained some voluntary information marked with an asterisk (*). This information has become mandatory. The information that is now mandatory is

  • the fund's management fees
  • the fund's performance-based fees (hurdle and threshold)
  • the type of fund
  • the benchmark index of the fund
  • the fund's active risk (tracking error)
  • the fund's deposits with credit institutions
  • the fund's counterparty risk for OTC derivatives
  • the fund's exposures to groups
  • standard deviations for special funds.

Is it possible to test the reporting system Reporting of Holdings - UCITS and Reporting of Holdings - special funds?

It is possible to test the online reporting system using the most recently updated technical specifications. The test reports are filed using the test tab in the system.

The reference date that will be used for the test reporting is in the column Reference Date in the system. This is the date that must be provided in the XML file.

Why are financial instruments not marked as mandatory in the XML schema?

There may be funds that are under liquidation that no longer have any financial instruments. It must be possible to submit reporting even for these funds.

Validation rules – why do we get an error message for the market value of instruments (errors 514 and 714)?

FI checks that the reported market value is reasonable. FI calculates the control value for the market value as Number x Price x Exchange Rate or Nominal Amount x Price/100 x Exchange Rate. If you receive an error message, "number", "nominal amount", "price" or "exchange rate" is probably not reported correctly.

How should we report instruments that have been lent out?

Instruments that have been lent out should be reported in the most accurate method. If only part of a position has been lent out, the most accurate method may be to report two positions and mark one as lent out. For example, if a position consists of 1,000 shares and 100 shares are lent out, report two positions, one at 900 and one at 100 and mark the latter as lent out.

Won't this trigger validation rule 505?

Validation rule 505 is constructed to remove doubles. If there is a difference between Instrument A and Instrument B, for example if they differ in number or are borrowed/lent out, the validation rule should not be triggered.

What should be reported?

More information about reporting is available on the page for Markets, via the link below.

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Last reviewed: 2025-01-13