An instruction on how to file reports in the online system for periodic reporting is found here: Guide on how to report .
Today, almost all households invest in funds, either directly through private savings or indirectly through our pensions. However, close to one third of fund savers are unaware of how high the fund fee is and many risk paying too much for their savings. We are, therefore, now publishing the most common fees for some popular fund categories to help consumers monitor what certain funds cost.
TRS 2 system closed on Wednesday, 27 September.
The TRS 2 system's test environment will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday, 6 September.
It will be possible to submit TR files, but feedback will not be sent until after 12 pm on Monday 12 June.
Finansinspektionen grants Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility AB (SFBF) authorisation as an administrator of STIBOR under the EU regulation on benchmarks (BMR).
During 2022, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) carried out a special assessment of the financial sector in Sweden, a so-called FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program). FSAPs are conducted regularly for member countries with systemically important financial markets. The most recent FSAP for Sweden by the IMF was in 2016.
There may be some minor disturbances in the TRS 2 system on March 18 and 19 in both the production environment and the test environment. The disturbances are due to planned maintenance. In the event of problems, rapporteurs are advised to try again later during the day.
TRS 2 system closed on Wednesday, 15 March.
All submitting entities that received incorrect validations with error codes CON-070 and CON-160 may now resend the incorrectly rejected transactions.
Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility AB 's (SFBF) application to become an authorised administrator of STIBOR in accordance with the EU’s Benchmark Regulation (BMR) has of 2 January 2023 been assessed to be complete.
Finansinspektionen will prevent greenwashing in the financial sector through preventive measures and supervisory activities. Today, in a new report that is submitted to the government, FI presents a strategy to prevent greenwashing.
Rising interest rates, decreased risk-taking and a slowing economy are weighing on highly indebted commercial real estate firms and households. The rapid transition to higher interest rates and a decreased willingness to take risk means financial stability risks have increased since spring. At the same time, this transition may lead to lower risk-taking and indebtedness in the long run, thus lowering stability risks.
The TRS 2 system will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday, 23 November. It will be possible to submit TR files, but feedback will not be sent until after the maintenance is completed.
SIP Nordic Fondkommission AB (SIP Nordic) is receiving a warning and must pay an administrative fine of SEK 6.7 million.
Celina Fondförvaltning AB (Celina) is receiving a warning and must pay an administrative fine of SEK 10 million.
From around the 26:th of October it has occurred that Buyer and Seller LEI have been wrongly validated, which has resulted in improperly issued error codes CON-070 and CON-160.
It will be possible to submit TR files, but feedback will be sent first after the maintenance has been completed.
The TRS 2 system will be closed for maintenance on Wednesday, 5 October.
The FTP server for the TRS 2 system will not be available on 28 September 2022 due to a change in certificate.
It will be possible to submit TR files, but feedback will be sent first after the maintenance has been completed.