FI considers the disclosures regarding suspected money laundering presented by SVT’s program Uppdrag Granskning to be very serious. FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen has made the assessment in several interviews in conjunction with the events in Danske Bank that the possibility of Swedish banks being involved in money laundering cannot be ruled out entirely, but that the scope is most likely more narrow than what has been identified in Danske Bank.
The information from SVT confirms that there is a risk that Swedish banks are being used for money laundering, primarily in the banks that have operations in the Baltics. The disclosures are important, even if the scope of the suspected transactions in Swedbank appears to be much smaller so far than in comparison to Danske Bank.
"The disclosures are very serious and will be included in FI's ongoing and future supervision activities. They will also be discussed with the supervisory authorities in the three Baltic countries in the near future," says Erik Thedéen.