You do not need special insurance when buying, for example, a new TV or a dishwasher. This is the conclusion of our review of so-called gadget insurance, which is often offered in retail. If you have home insurance, you have good protection.
The disclosures provided about funds with sustainable investment as their objective are often unclear. This is the conclusion of an in-depth analysis conducted by Finansinspektionen (FI). In many cases, the disclosures provided in the funds’ prospectuses need to be clearer and more specific.
When purchasing a mobile telephone, TV or appliances, for example, you often receive an offer to buy insurance for the newly purchased item. FI will now review whether so-called product insurances create unnecessary costs for customers without providing extra protection.
Demand for green and sustainable investments is increasing rapidly. This increases the risk of greenwashing, i.e. presenting organisations and products as more sustainable than what they are in reality. Finansinspektionen (FI) will therefore review that the disclosures provided about the funds classified as the most sustainable fulfil the strict requirements placed on them.
Insurance companies in the United Kingdom and Ireland raise their premiums more for loyal customers than they do for policyholders who change their provider frequently. Finansinspektionen (FI) will now look more closely at what happens in Sweden for home and auto insurance customers.