Sending material to FI – structure, file format and protection of information
Normally, Finansinspektionen prefers to receive documents and information in a digital format.
When you send us documents, email them to
During holiday periods, it is important that documents are not sent directly to an administrator but rather to the above email address.
Only one copy of the documents is needed unless otherwise stated on our website or in the applicable regulations. A document that has been sent to us electronically does not need to be sent again 0n paper. When a document refers to an ongoing matter, please state the reference number in the subject line of the email.
If large files are submitted as a zipped file via email, on a USB stick, or on a CD, the files must be saved in a structure that is as uncomplicated and flat as possible. Avoid folders with subfolders. The files also need to have clear names.
Approved formats:
Emails may not exceed a limit of 20 MB.
If you need to send us an email with sensitive content, we would prefer that you encrypt the email and attachments rather than sending a file that is password-protected. Encrypting the information is more secure.
How to send encrypted emails to FI
In the event we need paper copies, we will state this on our website or in the applicable regulations. In such a case, one copy of the documents is normally submitted. It is also possible to supplement the submitted paper documents with a USB stick that has the same information.
Exceptions are listed on our website or in the applicable regulations.
In the event that you submit paper documents, we require that you
If you want to e-mail documents containing sensitive information, you can use PGP software in order to encrypt the information. Encrypt the entire e-mail, not just the attached files.
An e-mail encrypted using PGP cannot be read by anyone other than the recipient who has the private key that fits the public key that the e-mail has been encrypted with.
In order to use PGP, you need a PGP license and FI's public key (the key can be used by all programs supporting the open PGP standard).
Please find FI's public PGP key below.
Send e-mails to FI's official address:
Via the Swedish bankers it is also possible to conclude an agreement on TLS-encryption, where FI is included.