Board of Directors

Finansinspektionen is headed by a board of directors which is responsible for the Authority's operations.

The board decides on questions of principal and those of greater importance, such as new regulations, sanctions and the planning of FI's operations.

The Director General is responsible for and heads the operating activities in accordance with the board's directives and guidelines.

FI's board of directors:

  • Beatrice Ask, Chairman
  • Maria Bredberg Pettersson, deputy Chariman, Director General of Swedish Fortifications Agency
  • Stefan Lundgren, former Auditor General
  • Daniel Barr, Director General of Finansinspektionen
  • Cecilia Renfors, Justice of the Supreme Court of Sweden
  • Anna Seim, Professor of Economics
  • Charlotte Zackari, former Chief Legal Counsel at Swedish Customs
  • Martin Flodén, Professor of Economics at Stockholm University
  • Roine Vestman, Professor of Economics at Stockholm University

Last reviewed: 2024-07-02