Recent news

We list here recent news from the banking sector.


FI’s capital assessment method for securitisation within Pillar 2

In this memorandum, FI describes its view of securitisation and the risks (primarily flowback) that FI sees and that are not taken into consideration in the banks’ current capital requirements.

Decision regarding reciprocation of macroprudential measures in two EU countries

2016-12-27 | ESRB News Stability

FI has published decisions regarding reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Estonia and Belgium.

Biennial Review of the Systemic Risk Buffer

As outlined in the capital requirements directive, FI must review the systemic risk buffer on an biennial basis. FI has reviewed the arguments originally set out to support a SRB buffer level of 3% at consolidated level for the four major banking groups and finds the arguments to still hold today.

Calibration of stress test for the capital planning buffer

Finansinspektionen’s stress test method to determine the capital planning buffers for the major banks, credit market companies and securities companies is divided into general overarching methodologies and a specific calibration of risk parameters. The specific calibration of risk parameters can be changed by FI on a year-by-year basis.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the third quarter 2016

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the third quarter 2016.

FI Analysis 7: Leverage ratio as a minimum requirement reduces banks’ buffers

2016-11-10 | Reports Stability Bank

A leverage ratio requirement could contribute positively to financial stability during normal conditions in that it increases the robustness of banks' capital adequacy.

How can the financial sector contribute to sustainable development?

Finansinspektionen is publishing today two reports on sustainability. Together, they serve as the report to the Government that FI was tasked with earlier in the year on the continued work with sustainability issues, how these issues are linked to financial regulation and supervision and how supervision can contribute to sustainable development in a constructive manner.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Resurs Bank receives a remark and an administrative fine

2016-09-13 | Sanctions Bank

Finansinspektionen is issuing Resurs Bank AB a remark. The bank must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 35 million.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the second quarter 2016

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the second quarter 2016.

FI decides on stress test methodology for determining the capital planning buffer

FI has now decided on the stress test methodology that will be used for determining the capital planning buffer for the largest Swedish bank companies. The methodology, which is described in more detail it in a new memorandum, is based on the proposal that FI published on the 9 May.

Swedish banks show resilience in European stress test

2016-07-29 | EBA News Bank

The major Swedish banks have resilience against a sharp deterioration of the economic environment. This is the result of an EU-wide stress test performed by the European Banking Authority (EBA).

FI aims for unchanged countercyclical buffer rate in September

The next occasion on which Finansinspektionen (FI) will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in September. FI’s Board of Directors has decided that the preparatory work ahead of the next decision shall focus on maintaining the rate at its current level, which is currently 2 per cent.

FI analysis 5: Macroeconomic effects of dept-to-income limits

House prices have been rising and, as a result, so has the debt of households in relation to their income – i.e. their debt-to-income (DTI) ratios. A DTI limit could slow this trend, but limiting households' opportunities to borrow would also slow consumption and economic activity.

FI reiterates its statement from the June 22 on Nordea

FI hereby clarifies that its public statement made on June 22, regarding the internal analysis which was unintendedly published in the media last week, is still valid:

FI monitors developments as they unfold

Finansinspektionen is monitoring the developments following the EU referendum in the UK. We are continuing to maintain a dialogue with the Ministry of Finance, the Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office and keep close contact with the Swedish banks. FI always has contingency plans in place to take measures that will contribute to financial stability.

FI agrees with EBA Opinion on accounts and bank services for asylum seekers

2016-06-23 | EBA News Consumer

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the application of customer due diligence measures to customers who are asylum seekers from higher-risk third countries or territories. Finansinspektionen provides its response to the opinion below.

FI’s response to proposed new requirement for banks to ensure effective crisis managment

The newly implemented Resolution Act introduces new rules and requirements, including requirements about loss absorbing liabilities. In its response to the Debt Office’s proposal, FI says it is important that such new rules and requirements are consistent with Finansinspektionen’s (FI) supervision and the currently applicable capital requirements.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the first quarter 2016

Note: Capital requirements of the Swedish banks, first quarter 1 2016 has been revised. The outcome of the 2015 SREP for Skandiabanken is now accounted for in this memorandum. No other changes have been done."

New methods for banks' risk weights and capital requirements decided

FI has formally adopted the supervisory methods which will be used in the supervision of the banks' internal models for corporate exposures. The banks should now assume that at least every fifth year is a downturn year in probability of default calculations.

Authorisation for Nordea to execute its merger plans

2016-05-17 | Memos & decisions Bank

Nordea Bank AB has applied for authorisation to execute three merger plans. The mergers refer to the absorption of three wholly-owned subsidiaries that conduct banking and securities business respectively in Denmark, Finland and Norway.

Stress test methodology for assessment of the capital planning buffer

In this memorandum, FI accounts for the stress test methodology that it intends to use to assess the size of the capital planning buffer for the largest firms.

Consultation response regarding Review of the Riksbank's Monetary Policy 2010-2015

FI as submitted its consultation response regarding Review of the Riksbank's Monetary Policy 2010–2015 (2015/16:RFR6) conducted by Marvin Goodfriend and Mervyn King on commission from the Committee on Finance. The consultation response assesses the reviewers' recommendations regarding financial stability and the interplay between monetary policy and financial stability.

The Swedish Mortgage Market (2016)

The average debt-to-income ratio for households with new mortgages increased from 387 per cent to 406 per cent between 2014 and 2015, according to FI:s report.

FI aims for unchanged countercyclical buffer rate in June

The next occasion on which Finansinspektionen (FI) will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in June. FI's Board of Directors decided on 18 April 2016 that the preparatory work ahead of the next decision shall focus on maintaining the rate at its current level, two per cent.

Nordea applies for permission to merge its Nordic subsidiary banks

2016-03-21 | News Bank

Nordea Bank AB (Nordea) has filed an application with Finansinspektionen to merge its wholly owned subsidiaries of Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Nordea Bank Finland Plc and Nordea Bank Denmark A / S with Nordea.

Pillar 2 capital requirements for maturity assumptions

FI intends to introduce a maturity floor of 2.5 years under Pillar 2 for banks authorised to use the advanced IRB approach for exposures to corporates.

FI's supervision of banks' calculations of risk weights for exposures to corporates

FI is implementing a new assessment method to evaluate the banks' calculations of risk weights both in general and for exposures to corporates.

FI proposes new framework for macroprudential measures

FI shall be entitled to propose measures, the Government shall approve the measures and the Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Finance shall evaluate FI's work. FI Director General Erik Thedéen is presenting this framework in a speech today.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2015

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the fourth quarter 2015.

FI proposes partial waiver for covered bonds

Finansinspektionen proposes partial waiver from the requirements in Article 129 (1)(c) of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) through a change in FI´s regulation (FFFS 2014:12) regarding prudential requirements and capital buffers.

FI open to raising the countercyclical buffer rate in March

The next occasion on which FI will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in March. FI's Board of Directors decided on 18 January 2016 that the preparatory work for the decision shall focus on enabling an increase in the rate if such is deemed necessary. The rate is currently at 1.5 per cent.

EBA's MDA Opinion does not change Pillar 2 in Sweden

2016-01-08 | EBA News Bank

In response to the Opinion published by the European Banking Authority (EBA) on 18 December 2015 regarding restrictions on distributions linked to the combined buffer requirement (Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the interaction of Pillar 1, Pillar 2 and combined buffer requirements and restrictions on distributions), Finansinspektionen would like to comment as follows.


Environmental and sustainability perspectives in credit granting to companies

Finansinspektionen (FI) has been commissioned by the Government to report on the bank's internal rules regarding credit granting to companies from the perspective of the environment and sustainability. If necessary, FI shall present proposals for measures that can be included in the banks' credit granting process to promote such a perspective.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

FI Analysis 3: Liquidity in the market for covered bonds

2015-12-01 | Reports Markets Bank

The market for covered bonds is important for bank funding and therefore financial stability. The requirements for banks to hold more capital and liquidity for their operations have been tightened since the financial crisis. These requirements affect the banks' costs of holding securities in the trading book and so their costs of acting as market makers.

FI increases transparency in capital requirement for Swedish banks

FI today disclosed for the first time the actual capital requirements for the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions at the end of the third quarter of 2015. This is to increase clarity with regard to the effects of FI's capital requirements, including Pillar 2.

Measures against risks from household indebtedness

Summary of the speech by Finansinspektionen's Director General Erik Thedéen at the Centre for Business and Policy Studies' seminar on the economic situation on 19 November 2015.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital needs of Swedish banks as of the second quarter 2015

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital needs of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the second quarter 2015.

Recognition of other Member States' countercyclical buffer rates

Finansinspektionen decides to recognize countercyclical buffer rates up to 2.5 per cent that are set by the designated authority of another EEA country. The firms concerned shall use these buffer rates to calculate their firm specific countercyclical capital buffers.

The future structure of banks' capital requirements

At the Financial Stability Council meeting of 15 June, Finansinspektionen presented its views on the future structure of banks' capital requirements.

Driving forces behind household indebtedness

In this report, Finansinspektionen, Sveriges Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office present a general description of the driving forces behind the rise in household indebtedness. A central conclusion in the report is that indebtedness is largely linked to developments on the housing market.

Swedish banks' systemic importance (O-SII)

FI intends to comply with the European Banking Authority's (EBA) guidelines on criteria to assess other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs).

Capital needs of Swedish banks as of the first quarter 2015

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital needs of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the first quarter 2015.

Handelsbanken receives a remark and is ordered to pay an administrative fine

2015-05-19 | Sanctions Bank

Handelsbanken has not complied with the money laundering rules. The bank has not conducted risk assessments for all of its customers or obtained sufficient information about customers and their business relations. The bank's system for reviewing transactions has also been deficient.

Nordea receives a warning and is ordered to pay the maximum administrative fine

2015-05-19 | Sanctions Bank

There have been major deficiencies in Nordea's work to prevent money laundering. This means there is a high probability that if people have tried to launder money or finance terrorism that they could have done so without Nordea having been able to detect this.

FI publishes methods for assessing capital requirements for three important risk types

Finansinspektionen (FI) establishes methods for assessing Pillar 2 capital requirements for three types of risk: credit-related concentration risk, interest rate risk in the banking book and pension risk.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital needs of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2014

Finansinspektionen publishes today the capital needs of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the fourth quarter 2014.


FI intends to implement a partial waiver for covered bonds

2014-12-29 | EBA News Bank

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its opinion regarding the Danish FSA's proposal of a partial waiver from the application of Article 129 (1)(c) of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). Finansinspektionen will also implement the partial waiver within its jurisdicition.

FI's methods for assessing individual types of risk within Pillar 2

This memorandum describes FI's methods for assessing the capital adequacy requirement within the framework of Pillar 2 for three different types of risk.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Leverage ratio requirement for Swedish banks

Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority – FI) considers that a leverage ratio requirement may serve an important function for establishing financial stability in Sweden as a back-stop, which sets a floor for how low the capital adequacy requirement can fall in relation to the banks' gross assets.

Swedish banks pass the European stress test

2014-10-26 | EBA News Stability

FI has tested the resilience of the major Swedish banks to a sharp deterioration in the economy. The study is part of the extensive stress test of 123 European banks coordinated by EBA.

Capital requirements for Swedish banks

Finansinspektionen presents positions to ensure that the Swedish banking system stands more robustly equipped to withstand future financial crises.

Skandiabanken: adverse remark issued and administrative fine of SEK 10 million imposed

2014-06-26 | Sanctions Bank

There have been inadequacies in the investment advice that Skandiabanken Aktiebolag has provided through tied agents. The bank has not complied with the rules applicable for receiving commission nor dealt with conflicts of interest in the correct manner.

Authorisation for a bank merger in Skåne

2014-05-16 | Memos & decisions Bank

Finansinspektionen has decided to approve the reorganisation of Sparbanken 1826.

Capital requirements for Swedish banks

On 3 April, the Government presented a bill regarding strengthened capital adequacy rules.

Supervision of the financial infrastructure works well

2014-03-27 | IOSCO ESMA News

Finansinspektionen's and The Riksbank's joint internal audit has assessed the supervision and oversight of the financial infrastructures in Sweden on the basis of the "Principles for financial market infrastructures” (PFMIs) which Finansinspektionen use in its supervision and The Riksbank in its oversight.

FI withdraws the authorisation of Exchange Finans

2014-01-14 | Sanctions Bank

Finansinspektionen withdraws the authorisation to conduct financing business of Exchange Finans Europe.


Bank interest rates and lending, Q3 2013 (Summary)

2013-12-05 | Reports Bank

In this report, Finansinspektionen (FI) describes the banks' adaptations to higher capital requirements and the effects on households and non-financial firms.

Risks in the financial system 2013

Swedish banks are relatively strong, but they continue to be vulnerable to disruptions on the financial markets, and the development within the Euro zone continues to represent a risk to the Swedish financial system.

Supervision Report 2013

2013-05-28 | Reports Consumer Markets

Many of the development trends in today’s financial markets raise important issues for FI. For consumers, greater mobility and increasingly complex financial products represent not only more opportunities but also higher risks. FI needs to bring attention to these risks and resolve them.

Decision to implement a risk weight floor for mortgages

FI is implementing a risk weight floor of 15 per cent for Swedish mortgages. The floor will be implemented as a supervisory measure within Pillar 2.

The Swedish Mortgage Market

2013-03-07 | Reports Consumer Bank

This report is based on Finansinspektionen's (FI's) third large mortgage survey. The survey is based on comprehensive material from the eight largest banks in Sweden.

Implementation of the European supervisory authorities’ guidelines and recommendations

2013-02-18 | EIOPA ESMA EBA

Finansinspektionen finds that guidelines from the European supervisory authorities addressed to competent authorities or financial market participants are equivalent to Swedish general guidelines.


Bank interest rates and lending, Q4 2012 (summary)

2012-12-31 | Reports Bank

Both the banks' funding cost and lending rates to households and corporations fell sharply during the fourth quarter of 2012 while the banks' margins on new mortgages increased slightly. Lending to Swedish corporations and households increased during the fourth quarter, but at a slower rate than before. During 2013 Finansinspektionen (FI) will investigate potential measures for how credit institutions can increase the awareness of their customers for how the actual lending rates for mortgages are determined.

Bank interest rates and lending, Q3 2012

2012-11-26 | Reports Bank

Swedish banks have already largely adapted to the forthcoming requirements regarding capital adequacy and access to liquidity. The stricter requirements involve a cost, but also help improve stability in the financial system. On the whole, the forthcoming requirements will generate positive effects for the national economy.

Risks in the financial system 2012

Finansinspektionen’s (FI’s) 2012 risk report 2012 continues to focus on unease on financial markets, where the greatest risk to the Swedish financial system is still a deepened sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Because of low market rates, life insurance undertakings are under pressure, and FI now sees a risk of consumers ending up in a squeeze as the firms review their commitments. This year too, FI views the financial advice market with concern. In this market, consumers are being invited to invest in complex products while advisors receive commissions.

Bank interest rates and lending, Q2 2012

2012-08-28 | Reports Bank

The growth rate of lending to households and corporations is decreasing, but remains positive and is clearly higher than the corresponding figure for the eurozone. Banks' margins on mortgages increased in the same period, according to the second quarterly report.

Supervision Report 2012

2012-05-24 | Reports Consumer Markets

The issues presented in this year’s Supervision Report stem from the work on financial consumer protection, financial stability and the requirements on company owners and management. In addition, the report discusses the increased international work, primarily within the EU.

Market risks management

2012-05-24 | Reports Bank

During 2011, Finansinspektionen (FI) investigated how 11 financial companies market risks management. ‘Market risk’ refers to the risk of loss-incurring value changes in assets and liabilities due to fluctuations in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, stock prices and commodity prices.

Bank interest rates and lending, Q1 2012

2012-05-24 | Reports Bank

In order to strengthen financial stability and avoid future financial crises, new regulations for the banking sector are being prepared. The regulations include higher capital adequacy requirements.

The Swedish Mortgage Market

2012-03-13 | Reports Consumer Bank

Loan-to-value ratios decreased for the first time in 10 years and the share of households with new loans over 85 percent has fallen by fifty per cent since 2009. These are some of the findings in Finansinspektionen’s follow-up of the mortgage cap.


Risks in the financial system 2011

Sweden has remained relatively stable in a turbulent period but during this time the risk level in the Swedish financial system has also risen. The uncertainty in surrounding markets has meant that banks’ liquidity risks and the impact of low interest rates on life insurance undertakings remain in focus. Finansinspektionen also believes there is a risk that the sale of complex products to consumers will increase.

Bonuses: Are companies following the rules?

2011-08-18 | Reports Markets Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI) received an assignment from the Government to report on the implementation of the EU Recommendation on remuneration in the financial services sector, the measures taken to ensure compliance with the new rules and how affected companies have adapted to the recommendations.

Supervision Report 2011

2011-05-25 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen's annual Supervision Report discusses areas in which fundamental issues with regard to supervision and regulatory development have risen to the forefront and in turn have resulted in new lessons and conclusions.


Risks in the financial system 2010

Finansinspektionen believes the risk level in the Swedish financial sector is lower than last year. Both Sweden’s economy and the situation on the financial market have improved. However, the uncertainty present in foreign markets represents a potential threat to Sweden’s development.

Lessons learned from supervision and regulatory development

2010-05-18 | Reports Consumer Markets

FI's annual Supervision Report describes the lessons learned from the financial crisis as well as more general issues regarding consumer protection.


Unwarranted concern for account fraud

2009-12-04 | Reports Consumer Bank

The concern for being victimised by account fraud is greatly unwarranted, according to FI’s survey of 2,898 private persons. The survey, conducted during 2008, found that an estimated 1 per cent of the adult population was defrauded that year. The majority, 84 per cent, of those with claims were fully or partially refunded. The expectations of being refunded were considerably lower, however.

Risks in the financial system 2009

Finansinspektionen is charged with ensuring that the financial system isstable and efficient and that consumer protection is adequate. We carry outthese assignments by conducting supervision of financial companies, whichincludes business intelligence, the granting of licences, preparation of egulations,operational supervision with controls of how companies act andpotential interventions.

The households’ financial capability

2009-06-17 | Reports Consumer Bank

The majority of the Swedish households have a strong personal financial position and save for the long-term. Most of them have access to a bank account and payment services and three out of four pay by the Internet. This is according to the responses of 1,309 households regarding personal finances. The survey was conducted for FI by Svenskt Kvalitetsindex during the first quarter of 2009.

The banks’ lending for commercial real estate in Sweden

2009-05-25 | Reports Bank

Based on input reported statistical material, we find that the current financial crisis has yet to make any obvious impression in the form of insolvency and credit losses in lending for commercial real estate.

The banks’ financial advice and the law

2009-05-18 | Reports Consumer Markets

The overall conclusion is that there is a good census of opinion between bank customers and advisors about how the advisory service should work. Both advisors and customers feel that the advice lives up to the legal requirements.

Development on the mortgage market

2009-05-15 | Reports Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI) has surveyed the development in the banks’ lending for single-family houses and tenant-owner’s flats. At the end of 2008, Swedish households had approximately SEK 1,800 billion in mortgage loans. The investigated banks’ lending constitutes just under 90 per cent of this.

Reclassification of financial assets

2009-01-21 | Reports Bank

Five out of eight banks investigated utilised new opportunities to assess certain financial assets at amortised cost instead of fair value in connection with the interim reports for Q3 2008.


IT disruptions at a constant, high level

2008-12-10 | Reports Consumer Markets

IT disruptions are increasing at some companies and decreasing at others. On the whole, the number of disruptions remains at a constant, high level.

The Swedish banks can manage the recession (2008:18)

The four Swedish big banks have managed relatively well so far in the international bank crisis. Financing risks has been the greatest threat to Swedish banks during the autumn's turbulence. Thanks to measures by the Riksbank (Swedish central bank) and the Swedish National Debt Office, these risks have been managed to a great extent until the financing markets begin to function normally again.

Not everyone can pay

2008-05-28 | Reports Consumer Bank

Not everyone has access to payment services such as giro services or internet banking. It is mainly people with a record of non-payment and those without Swedish civic registration or coordination numbers who lack access to such services. Those who are denied payment services are forced to pay their bills through the banks’ counter service which incurs high costs and is time inefficient.

The responsibility for the payment system

2008-04-21 | Reports Bank

That the payment system functions and can withstand both internal andexternal incidents such as fire, flooding, power failures, etc. is of greatimportance to the national economy.

Market turmoil and the Swedish banks

2008-03-27 | Reports Stability Bank

The Swedish banks have managed relatively well in the international turbulence prevailing on the financial markets. The four major banks made record profits in 2007 and they all have good financial strength. There are, however, risks in the near future as well as in the long-term. Although these risks are relatively serious, no individual risk is considered to pose a threat to the stability. FI continues to closely monitor the development.

The development on the mortgage loan market

2008-02-21 | Reports Consumer Bank

The banks’ risk exposures to the Swedish mortgage loan market have increased due to higher mortgage levels and long amortisation periods. The mortgage lending to Swedish households constitutes the largest exposure in the majority of the banks.

Trading activities in banks and investment firms

2008-02-06 | Reports Markets Bank

According to Finansinspektionen’s investigation, eight scrutinised banks and investment firms primarily have good routines for managing and appraising the trading risks for products that are difficult to assess. However, more can be done in some areas. The undertakings should improve their routines for independent assessment and control of traders’ prices. Some of the undertakings should allocate more resources for their risk control in order to attain a stronger position in terms of business.

SMS loan companies to routinely identify their customers

The SMS loan companies report that they have improved their routines to identify their customers after an investigation by Finansinspektionen.


Stability of the Swedish financial sector (2007:16)

2007-10-15 | Reports Stability Bank

Swedish banks are only marginally exposed to the assets that are affected most by this fall's market turbulence. Rather, the increased risks are coupled to increased lending in the Baltic states. This is the finding of FI's report The stability of the Swedish financial sector, which will be submitted to the Government today.

Government bond market – the need for regulation and supervision

2007-07-12 | Reports Markets Bank

This report discusses Finansinspektionen’s view on the need for regulation andsupervision in the government bond market. FI’s level of ambition in thesupervision of the fixed income market has long been lower than that of itssupervision of the stock market. The reasons for this are primarily historical andno well-documented analysis exists. The need for such an analysis has arisen asthe supervision of financial markets has developed in Europe. In conjunctionwith the introduction of MiFID (the EC Markets in Financial InstrumentsDirective) the need for regulation and supervision in the fixed income markethas been discussed at European level.

The process for new issues and initial public offerings

2007-07-05 | Reports Bank

This report describes the process that precedes a new issue or initial publicoffering. It clarifies various phenomena that investors should be aware of whenparticipating in this type of transaction, allowing them to understand andevaluate the offer in its entirety.

Criminal attacks on internet banking

2007-06-18 | Reports Bank

Finansinspektionen's study shows an increase in the number of attacks on online bank accounts, although in relation to the number of Internet transactions the scope of the problem is limited.

Credit market companies and consumer protection

2007-04-03 | Reports Consumer Bank

Problems in certain credit market companies with permission to receive household deposits* such as Custodia and Allmänna Kapital are the background to the review carried out by FI. Its main purpose has been to investigate whether the problems that have come to light in those firms now declared bankrupt, exist openly or latently in other credit market companies which take household deposits. FI has also had the aim of investigating whether these firms are complying with financial regulations in a more general sense.


Equity-linked bonds - an evaluation of the new prospectus rules

2006-12-22 | Reports Bank

Investors´strong interest in equity-linked bonds is continuing. In the first nine months banks and other financial institutions issued equity-linked bonds and other index-linked bonds to a value of almost SEK 38 billion.

Firms’ management of operational risk and FI’s recommendations (2006:18)

2006-12-14 | Reports Bank

During the autumn of 2005 and spring of 2006 Finansinspektionen carried out a comprehensive review of the operational risk management in fifteen Swedish banks and credit market companies (firms).

Unsecured credits for consumers II

2006-09-29 | Reports Consumer Bank

On behalf of the government, Finansinspektionen has followed up last year's report "Unsecured credits for consumers". This report sets out the measures that Finansinspektionen has taken, or plans to take, to remedy the shortcomings previously existing in the information and the structure of the contractual terms and conditions and also credit rating. The study covers the same undertakings as last year. We have also studied interest rate trends for unsecured credits in relation to the reference interest rate. During the survey the Swedish Consumer Agency has been consulted.

Mortgage Market Developments

2006-09-20 | Reports Bank

One of the effects of low interest rates is high housing prices. The resultant high demand for mortgages has meant more aggressive competition in the Swedish mortgage market, with effects such as increased lending ratios and pressure on interest rate margins.

Capital Requirements for Banks with Basel 2

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and CEBS have conducted a study on how the new capital adequacy regulations that enter into force next year can be expected to affect the capital requirement for banks. The study is entitled Quantitative Impact Study 5 (QIS 5) and is conducted on data gathered during the autumn of 2005. It encompasses the member countries of the Basel Committee (G10), several EU and EES countries and a handful of other countries.

The market for overdue accounts and debt collection

2006-02-20 | Reports Markets Bank

Finansinspektionen and Datainspektionen (The Swedish Data Inspection Board) have joined forces to examine the market for the sale of overdue accounts.


From Account to Account VII

2005-11-18 | Reports Consumer Bank

On behalf of the government, FI has conducted an investigation during 2005 into the fees charged by banks and the information provided concerning cross-border payments, as well as the banks' procedures for cooperation agreements.

Processing of complaints in the financial sector

2005-10-11 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) has studied how well companies follow FI's regulations and general guidelines regarding the processing of complaints. The study included 196 companies in the banking, fund management, securities and insurance sectors.

Companies' internal capital assessment – assessing capital requirements in accordance with Basel II

2005-09-28 | Reports Markets Bank

Commencing 2007, the reformed Basel Rules - also called Basel II - will be applicable in Sweden and the rest of the EU. Corresponding rules will also be implemented in a number of other developed countries. These rules directly affect all credit institutions and investment firms as well as the au-thorities that engage in supervision and monitoring of financial institutions and markets. However, the institutions' customers will also be affected in very specific ways - interest rates for different types of loan and to different customers will, for example, be affected. Thus, all are affected by the new rules. This in itself represents a good reason to disseminate awareness of the new regulatory regime and its various constituent parts.

Unsecured credits for consumers

2005-03-31 | Reports Consumer Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI), on assignment from the Swedish Ministry of Finance, hasexamined the market for unsecured credits for consumers, that is, credit without theprovision of collateral. The survey was conducted in cooperation with the SwedishConsumer Agency.

Index bonds - Examination of written information to purchasers

2005-02-02 | Reports Consumer Bank

Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) has examined the written information that is provided to purchasers of index bonds. According to the statutory provisions, the information should provide a fair reflection of the offering and enable well- founded evaluations of it.


From Account to Account VI

2004-11-16 | Reports Consumer Bank

In this report, which is the sixth in the report series From Account to Account, the Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority - FI) de-scribes the results of a survey of currency exchange surcharges and fixed charges applied by Swedish banks to card transactions within the EES. The re-port also describes the measures taken by FI since publication of the previous report, which identified shortcomings in the way in which customers were in-formed. FI examined Föreningssparbanken, Handelsbanken, SEB, Nordea, ICA-banken and Skandiabanken.

Procedures relating to customer orders at securities companies

2004-06-22 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) has conducted a review of how securities companies execute orders from private clients based on current rules, including industry regulations.

Increased household lending - a risk analysis

Lending to households has risen at a high and fairly steady rate – about 10% per year – during the past few years. The main increase has been in mortgage loans. The growth has been fuelled by historically low interest rates leading to rising house prices and, consequently, a greater need for financing. The sharp growth in lending has caused Finansinspektionen (FI) to review the banks' lending activities and to assess the possible consequences of this development for FI's financial stability targets and for maintaining a satisfactory level of consumer protection.