
Firms on the financial markets must report financial information to FI. FI then uses this information to make assessments about the financial situation of individual firms and the financial market as a whole. The information that must be reported and the reporting deadlines are presented on the pages for each respective firm category.

An instruction on how to file reports in the online system for periodic reporting is found here: Guide on how to report .


New procedures to enhance transparency

2020-12-22 | News About FI Markets

As of 1 January 2021, FI will implement new procedures for how it announces opened and closed supervision investigations.

Maintenance of TRS2 system planned for beginning of January 2021 in conjunction with Brexit

2020-12-17 | Brexit ESMA News

Due to Brexit, ESMA will have a maintenance window from 31 December 2020 through (preliminarily) 7 January 2021.

Reminder: what a hard Brexit will entail

2020-12-15 | Brexit News Markets

What will happen in the event that the transition period ends without an agreement between the EU and the UK.

Dampened recovery can weaken financial stability

An increase in the spread of the coronavirus will dampen the recovery in European economies and, in the long run, this could impact financial stability, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in this year’s second stability report, which will be published today.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2020-10-09 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 16 October, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

The new Short Selling Register is launched today

2020-10-05 | News Reporting Markets

Today, FI launches a new Short Selling Register for significant net short positions.

New reporting system for short selling is launched today

2020-09-24 | News Reporting Markets

Today, FI launches a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

New reporting system for short selling to be launched this week

2020-09-21 | News Reporting Markets

This week, FI will launch a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

FI confirms investigation into Swedbank

Swedbank has written in a press release that FI is investigating potential breaches of the Market Abuse Act. Given that the company has chosen to disclose information about the investigation, FI confirms that the information is correct. FI has opened an investigation.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2020-08-24 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 28 August, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.