Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2024

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2024

The capital requirements are published in order to illustrate the effect of Finansinspektionen's total capital requirement, including Pillar 2. Pillar 2 is a collective term for the rules that govern the firms' internal capital assessments and Finansinspektionen's supervisory review and evaluation process, of which Finansinspektionen's capital assessment forms an integral part.

The capital requirements are published for Sweden's three major banks, Handelsbanken, SEB and Swedbank, as well as Länsförsäkringar, Klarna, Kommuninvest, Svensk Exportkredit (SEK), SBAB, Avanza and Nordnet.