

Emilia Högquist new head of sustainable finance at FI

Emilia Högquist is FI's new head of sustainable finance. She has worked extensively with sustainable development and comes to FI most recently from a management position at the Ministry of Climate and Enterprise. As the head of sustainable finance she will be FI's spokesperson in sustainability-reated matters.

Chief Legal Counsel Eric Leijonram is leaving FI

2024-07-08 | News About FI

Eric Leijonram is leaving FI and his role as head legal counsel to become the director general of the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

New members appointed to FI’s Board of Directors

2024-07-02 | News About FI

The Government has appointed Martin Flodén and Roine Vestman, both professors in economics at Stockholm University, to FI’s Board of Directors.

Stefan Lundgren new Board member of FI

2024-06-18 | News About FI

The Government has appointed former Auditor General Stefan Lundgren to FI’s Board of Directors.

Beatrice Ask new chair of the Board of FI

2024-04-26 | News About FI

Beatrice Ask has joined and will be the chair of FI’s Board of Directors. The appointment runs until 24 April 2027.

Marie Lindström new communications director

2024-02-15 | News About FI

FI has named Marie Lindström its new communications director.

Our supervision priorities

2024-02-08 | About FI

FI’s mandate is to supervise the financial sector to ensure firms are compliant with the rules and the sector is functioning well. The financial market is large and complex, and we have limited resources. We cannot be everywhere, all the time. One condition for us to be able to carry out our mandate is that we conduct what we call effective and communicative supervision.

Jon Thor Sturluson new chief economist at FI

2024-02-02 | News About FI

FI has named Jon Thor Sturluson its new chief economist. He will take over the role no later than 1 May 2024 and join FI’s management team.


Henrik Braconier new executive director of Banking

2023-08-15 | News About FI

Henrik Braconier is the new executive director of Banking. For the past nine years, Henrik has served as Finansinspektionen’s chief economist.

Daniel Barr new member of EIOPA’s Board of Supervisors

2023-07-07 | EIOPA News About FI

Finansinspektionen’s (FI) Director General Daniel Barr joined the Board of Supervisors of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) in July 2023.

Deputy director general Susanna Grufman leaving Finansinspektionen (FI)

2023-07-04 | News About FI

Susanna Grufman, deputy director general and executive director of Markets, is leaving FI for the Riksbank.

Executive Director Karin Lundberg to leave FI

2023-05-02 | News About FI

Per Nordkvist, currently the deputy executive director of the Banking section, will take over as acting executive director.

Camilla Asp new member of FI’s Board of Directors

2023-04-13 | News About FI

The Government has appointed Camilla Asp to Finansinspektionen’s Board of Directors.


2023-03-01 | About FI

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We have made some changes to our website

2023-03-01 | Payments News About FI

As of 1 March, we have a new heading in the main navigation panel of our website: Payments. Here you will find all information related to activities within the payments sector.

Daniel Barr new Director General of Finansinspektionen

2023-02-09 | News About FI

The Government has today appointed Daniel Barr as the new Director General of Finansinspektionen.


Finansinspektionen’s strategy to prevent greenwashing

FI’s strategy for preventing greenwashing in the financial sector aims to safeguard the trust in sustainable investments and a sustainable finance market.

Roadmap for sustainable finance

In 2019, FI’s overarching mandate was expanded to include a responsibility to ensure that the financial system contributes to sustainable development. FI is also the responsible supervisory authority for a number of new regulations related to sustainable finance that are the result of the EU’s ambitious sustainability agenda.

Therese Östling Waller new HR director

2022-11-30 | News About FI

Therese Östling Waller is currently the HR manager at SVT. Therese has extensive experience within HR, including from the Swedish Public Employment Service, where she was head of the HR department for several years.