

FI identifies transition risks in banks’ lending portfolios

There are climate-related transition risks in Swedish banks’ lending portfolios. This is the conclusion of an analysis Finansinspektionen (FI) conducted by linking lending to individual firms to emissions data from firms that are included in the EU Emissions Trading System.

Fraud prevention in payment services

2024-05-31 | Pay Consumer Payments

Fraud is a major and expanding societal problem that fosters organised crime. FI supervises that payment service providers follow the provisions set out in the Payment Services Act that aim to prevent fraud. Payment service providers do a lot to prevent their payments services from being used for fraud, but this problem is still growing.

Interest rate puts pressure on indebted households

2024-05-29 | Mortgage Reports News

Households continue to be under pressure from both higher interest rates and other costs. This is evident in FI’s mortgage report. The report looks at new mortgagors during the autumn of 2023. We can see that there are fewer mortgagors than in previous years. Home buyers also bought slightly less expensive homes and borrowed slightly less. Total lending to households has stagnated, but despite this household indebtedness continues to be high.

Stability in the Financial System (2024:1): A slightly better outlook in an uncertain environment

2024-05-27 | Payments Reports News

The outlook for financial stability has improved somewhat, and uncertainty has decreased, but we are still in the middle of a recession. Higher costs for both interest payments and other goods and services are putting pressure on households and firms. The worsened global security situation is also imposing increased demands on the operational resilience in the financial sectorn. These are the conclusions of this year's first stability report.

FI Analysis No. 44: Most People Have Lost Money Trading Cryptocertificates

More than half of Swedes who traded in cryptocertificates over the past six years have lost money on their investments. This is despite the underlying market increasing by up to 500 percent during the studied period. This is shown in a new analysis by FI that examines Swedes' trading in cryptocertificates.

Firms continue to offer consumers unsuitable products

2024-05-08 | Borrow Pay Insure

Expensive and complex products are unsuitable for most consumers. Despite this, firms offer such products on a broad front. This is one of the consumer risks that FI highlights in this year’s consumer protection report.

FI prioritizes particularly vulnerable sectors to combat money laundering

Money laundering is a global problem that allows criminals to transact large sums of money without revealing their illegal activities. In order to counteract the risk of money laundering, FI has identified a number of areas where the risks are assessed to be particularly large and that we will have an extra focus on during the year.

FI Analysis No. 42: Gender differences in investment behaviour

2024-03-18 | Reports News Consumer

The study confirms previous results showing that women are underrepresented in the stock market. The differences arise as early as three years of age, which shows that adults more often buy stocks for boys than for girls. We also see that men generally have larger stock portfolios than women throughout life, although women increase their stock wealth later in life.

Comprehensive overview is important when changing the conditions on the housing market

2024-02-22 | Mortgage Reports News

FI has received an assignment from the Government to assess an increase in the loan-to-value (LTV) cap from 85 to 90 percent. At the same time, the Government proposes phasing out the tax deductibility for unsecured loans. We assess that an increase in the LTV cap would lead to higher household indebtedness and an increase in associated risks. This assessment holds even if interest rate deductions for unsecured loans are phased out. We also take the position that it is appropriate to await the results of the ongoing inquiry into both the LTV cap and the amortisation requirement and consider any changes to the measures comprehensively.


FI Supervision 27: Non-life insurance undertakings’ product approval processes

2023-09-21 | Reports News Consumer

The process for product approval is central from a consumer protection perspective. It aims to ensure that insurance undertakings focus on consumer interests when they develop and maintain insurance products. In an in-depth analysis that Finansinspektionen has conducted, we have seen a number of good examples of how undertakings work with and apply this process.

Open finance in Sweden

2023-06-28 | Fintech Reports News

Digitalisation introduces both opportunities and risks to the financial market. After conducting a new survey, FI has noted that broader regulation on how customer data can be shared with third-party providers could make it easier for consumers to compare financial products such as occupational pensions and mortgages.


Proposed capital requirement regulation for undertakings for occupational retirement provision

Finansinspektionen (FI) received a mandate from the Government to propose a capital requirement regulation for undertakings providing occupational retirement. The objective is to provide comprehensive protection for consumers (beneficiaries) while at the same time enabling effective management of occupational pensions.