

Erik Thedéen: Adjustments needed on the commercial real estate market

Erik Thedéen, Director General of Finansinspektionen (FI), spoke at the Öresundsmarknaden conference about FI’s view on the commercial real estate market.

Commercial real estate debt, non-banks, and the stability of the financial system

Karin Lundberg, Executive Director of Banking, FI, talked about commercial real estate debt, non-banks, and the stability of the financial system in a speech at the UBS Annual Nordic Financial Services Conference.

Erik Thedéen: Current assessment of financial stability

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen participated in a panel discussion on the opportunities and risks associated with increased application of artificial intelligence and machine learning within lending and advice to households. Before he described FI’s view on this topic, Thedéen commented briefly on FI’s current assessment of the stability of the Swedish financial system.

Erik Thedéen: More active economic policy can strengthen financial stability

"FI has a mandate to safeguard financial stability. This means that we are prepared to further enhance resilience in the financial system to manage the growing risks associated with household and corporate debt. However, I would rather see structural reforms on the construction and housing market and a more suitable housing tax since both of these would improve the functionality of the housing market and benefit financial stability."

Johanna Fager Wettergren: Social factors are important for sustainable investments

“A lot is about common sense; there isn't time to wait for the perfect solutions. This obviously applies to the climate, but it also clearly applies to social issues. Politicians may be equipped with the sharpest tools – but the financial sector has a very important role to play.”

Erik Thedéen's speech at the A4S Roundtable

Erik Thedéen, Finansinspektionen's Director General made a speech at the A4S Reporting Roundtable the 1 March in London.


Erik Thedéen: Crypto-assets today and in the future

” Ultimately, this is about energy efficiency. Energy is a scarce resource, and as a society, we have invested heavily in energy-efficiency improvements across all sectors. We need to consider a similar technology shift for crypto-assets.”

Crypto-assets are a threat to the climate transition – energy-intensive mining should be banned

The most common method for producing crypto-assets requires enormous amounts of electricity and generates large CO2 emissions. Crypto-asset producers are keen to use more renewable energy, and they are increasing their presence in the Nordic region. Sweden needs the renewable energy targeted by crypto-asset producers for the climate transition of our essential services, and increased use by miners threatens our ability to meet the Paris Agreement. Energy-intensive mining of crypto-assets should therefore be prohibited. This is the conclusion of the director generals of both the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.

Karin Lundberg: Finansinspektionen’s view on capital and distributions

Karin Lundberg, Executive Director of Banking, talked about Finansinspektionen’s view on capital and distributions in a speech at the  UBS Annual Nordic Financial Services Conference.

Erik Thedéen: Crypto-assets – risks and opportunities

“The technology behind crypto-assets has the potential to create value for society, but crypto-assets like Bitcoin also pose significant risks,” said Erik Thedéen, when he spoke about the development of crypto-assets today at a seminar arranged by the Swedish Investor Relations Association.

Erik Thedéen: The private sector can and should take the chance to speed up the transition

Climate change is an existential threat to mankind. In order to meet this threat, we need extensive policy decisions. In particular, carbon prices must go up. The private sector and the financial market can contribute, said Finansinspektionen’s Director General Erik Thedéen at the Hållbara Finanser 2021 conference (Sustainable Finances). By already preparing now to be able to quickly report in accordance with future international standards on corporate sustainability reporting and also voluntarily using and reporting internal carbon pricing.


Henrik Braconier's speech at SNS/SHOF Finance Panel: Corporate Finance in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Henrik Braconier, Chief Economist at FI, spoke on risks related to low interest rates at SNS/SHOF’s Finance Panel: Corporate Finance in a Low Interest Rate Environment.

Erik Thedéen's speech at Driving Global Standards on Sustainable Finance

Erik Thedéen, Finansinspektionen's Director General and Chair of IOSCO's Task Force on Sustainable Finance made a speech at the conference Driving Global Standards on Sustainable Finance.

Erik Thedéen: How can consumer welfare be improved in financial markets?

FI's Director General Erik Thedéen took part in a panel discussion during the conference "Consumer Behavior in Financial Markets", arranged by the Swedish House of Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics today.

Measures to improve effectiveness of anti-money laundering supervision

“There are interesting ideas about placing parts of this supervision at the EU level. I believe that joint analytical resources and supervision methods in the long run could lead to more effective supervision, in part due to improved insight into cross-border payment flows”, asserted Erik Thedéen at the international conference Finance Summit 2020 in Paris.

Erik Thedéen: FinTech and cyber threats – what impact do they have on financial stability?

The rate at which household debt is increasing has slowed the past three years. The two amortisation requirements that FI introduced contributed to this change. But the low interest rates entail risks. The debt of commercial real estate companies has been increasing sharply, and the banks have large exposures to the sector. FI decided today to raise the capital requirements for bank loans for commercial real estate. Erik Thedéen also noted that cyber threats are a challenge facing society as a whole, and cooperation is needed on a broad front.


Erik Thedéen: How we need to work to fight money laundering

“We need to make advancements in the fight against money laundering here and now, within the current system and regulatory framework,” asserted Erik Thedéen at the Swedish Bankers’ Association’s annual Bank Meeting.

Erik Thedéen: Climate and sustainability in focus at FI

FI’s Director General spoke today at the Finansdagen conference in Stockholm.

Martin Noréus: Capital and AML - current topics in bank supervision

At a conference today, Deputy Director General Martin Noréus shared his views on capital adequacy in Swedish banks and how capital adequacy will be impacted by forthcoming regulations. Mr. Noréus also gave a process update on ongoing AML investigations and concluded that money-laundering risks will become a bigger consideration in prudential supervision.

Erik Thedéen's introductory speech at IOSCO SFN Stakeholder Meeting

Erik Thedéen made the introductory speech at the first IOSCO SFN Stakeholder Meeting in Stockholm.

Erik Thedéen: Diversity on the mortgage market is healthy

FI’s Director General participated in the seminar Evolution of Mortgage Finance arranged by Stabelo for a broad group of institutional investors.

Erik Thedéen: Swedish perspectives on the Banking Union

Erik Thedéen, Director General of Finansinspektionen, took part in a seminar on “The Banking Union from a Nordic-Baltic perspective” arranged today by SIEPS and the Swedish Government’s “Committee on Potential Participation in the European Banking Union”.


Erik Thedéen: Household Debt and the Role of Macroprudential Policy

Thedéen discussed the impact of high household debt on financial stability and sustainable economic growth as well as the role of macroprudential policy at the 7th FIN-FSA conference on EU Regulation and Supervision.

Klas Granlund: Brexit, positive progression not a reason to stop preparations

Despite the positive progression over the past few weeks, there is still some uncertainty surrounding Brexit. FI has previously identified the limited access to clearing services as one of the consequences of Brexit that could have a major impact on Swedish firms. The European Commission’s communication that it will take action to manage risks to financial stability that are associated with clearing is therefore welcomed. At the same time, though, a hard Brexit could create other types of frictions that affect Swedish firms. It is therefore of utmost importance that Swedish firms continue to prepare for Brexit.

Erik Thedéen: Macroprudential policy and healthy housing markets

Affordable housing and household indebtedness is increasingly the focus of the public debate in many countries. Erik Thedéen participated in a plenary panel together with representatives from Australia, Canada and Ireland to discuss what can be done to manage systemic risks and maintain healthy housing markets.

Erik Thedéen: Will the banks withstand the next crisis – what role will capital requirements play?

Discussing how the banks will withstand the next crisis is undoubtedly asuitable topic in October 2018, which marks exactly ten years since the mostdifficult phase of the financial crisis.

Erik Thedéen: On the Agenda: The Swedish FSA’s mandate and current challenges

The procyclical nature of the financial sector tends to amplify cycles and may turn a severe downturn into a financial crisis. One of FI’s tasks is to mitigate this pro-cyclicality.

Erik Thedéen: Higher countercyclical capital buffer?

A speech given by Erik Thedéen, FI's Director General, at the UBS Annual Nordic Financial Services Conference in Stockholm today.

Martin Noréus: Current challenges facing the banking sector

“The Swedish banking sector is profitable and has satisfactory resilience, but it is clearly undergoing a major transformation,” said Martin Noréus in a speech at SvD Bank Summit in Stockholm.

Erik Thedéen: Rules prevent crises

Finansinspektionen is responsible for macroprudential policy in Sweden, which includes both promoting financial stability and counteracting financial imbalances. We are also tasked with promoting a high level of consumer protection on the financial markets. One of the reasons that we have been given the responsibility for macroprudential policy is that financial crises have proven themselves to be very expensive.

Financial stability and macroprudential policy

Finansinspektionens Director General Erik Thedéens speech in the Standing Committee on Finance the 23 januari 2018.


Erik Thedéen: Incentives vs. risk

“The fundamental problem is the potential conflict that inherently arises from the interplay between economic incentives and excessive risk-taking”, said Erik Thedéen in a speech on Thursday at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg. Erik Thedéen analysed the causes underlying this problem and presented some of the measures introduced to mitigate it.

Commercial real estate and financial stability

FI:s director general Erik Thedéens speech about commercial real estate and financial stability held at the conference DI Bank in Stockholm 10 maj 2017.

Thedéen: The role of macroprudential policy in Sweden

The financial crisis in 2008-09 demonstrated just how vulnerable the international financial system was and had enormous consequences for the economies in the western hemisphere. Even if traditional stabilisation policy tools, such as monetary and fiscal policy, were able to mitigate the crisis, they did not successfully prevent the build-up of risk that occurred over a long period of time prior to the crisis. The crisis therefore triggered the development of macroprudential policy, which aims to reduce the risk of financial crises and their subsequent effects.” It is with these words that Erik Thedéen began his speech at Finansdagen in Stockholm.

Banking capital in times of stress

Erik Thedéen, FI's Director General, speech at the UBS conference: 20th Annual Nordic Financial Services Conference in Stockholm.

The financial sector's role for sustainabilty

Erik Thedéen, FI's Director General, took part in a panel discussion arranged by Alecta today entitled Incentives for significant allocation of long term capital towards investments for a resilient and sustainable society. Erik Thedéen talked about sustainability work within the financial sector.

FI’s view on financial stability and the risks for financial imbalances

Erik Thedéen visited the Committee on Finance today for a Q&A session. He discussed the unprecedented economic conditions that Sweden is currently experiencing.

Erik Thedéen speaks to EU Parliament about new banking rules

Erik Thedéen is commenting today on the EU Commission’s proposed changes to banking regulations during a Q&A session in Brussels in EU Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON).

The value of capital buffers

2017-02-16 | Speeches and debate

FI Director General Erik Thedéen published today an opinion piece on the international news website, Bloomberg View, about the value of capital buffers.

A unique environment – how does it affect our supervision?

FI Director General Erik Thedéen’s speech at the Terminsstart Pension conference on 15 February 2017.



2016-08-30 | Speeches and debate

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FI proposes new framework for macroprudential measures

FI shall be entitled to propose measures, the Government shall approve the measures and the Swedish Parliamentary Committee on Finance shall evaluate FI's work. FI Director General Erik Thedéen is presenting this framework in a speech today.


Measures against risks from household indebtedness

Summary of the speech by Finansinspektionen's Director General Erik Thedéen at the Centre for Business and Policy Studies' seminar on the economic situation on 19 November 2015.

Martin Noréus: Amortisation requrement and risk weights - two current issues for macroprudential policy

FI's acting Director General Martin Noréus held the speech "Amortisation requirement and risk weights – two current issues for macroprudential policy" at UBS annual Nordic Financial Services Conference on 10 September 2015.

Martin Andersson: Finansinspektionen and macroprudential policy

FI:s Director general Martin Andersson held the speech Finansinspektionen and macroprudential policy at Affärsvärldens Bank och Finans Outlook on 18 march 2015.

Martin Andersson: One year with the new macroprudential policy

FI:s Director general held the speech One year with the new macroprudential policy at Centre for Business and Policy Studies/Finance panel on 19 februar 2015.


Finansinspektionen's role in a framework for financial stability

Macroprudential supervision is not a new concept; it has always been a part of traditional supervision work. This statement was part of Martin Andersson's speech at the Bank & Finans Outlook conference on March 20.