Primary school

Pengalabbet - a web game for kids about day-to-day finances. The premise of the game is to earn and be responsible for a monthly salary. The game targets kids and their parents as well as home and consumer studies teachers and social studies teachers. Players test different jobs with different salaries and decide how much they will spend on food, housing and other expenses.

In this game, players are responsible for managing a monthly salary and any money left over. Players get to test out different jobs and salary levels and determine how much they should spend on food, housing and other expenses. By reacting to different daily situations, players learn about what costs money in life, and how much. They also learn that different income levels lead to different financial conditions in life. Players also learn about short- and long-term savings and what it means to have a buffer.

The game has previously existed as a physical exhibition by the Economic Museum 2016 and as a mobile application (app). These have now been replaced by a web-based game that has been updated and improved.

Svinnrik is a initiative with the purpose of, in a fun and educational way, strengthen children and young peoples knowledge in both food waste and personal finance, as well as contribute to sustainable development. The educational material is primarily aimed at home and consumer studies teachers at upper secondary school. The learning material consists of exercises, challenges and shorter lecture films on the topic of food waste and personal finance that can be used in teaching.

The educational material is free of charge and advertising. The Svinnrik initiative is a cooperation between Finansinspektionen and the Swedish Food Agency.

Read more (in Swedish): Svinnrik

Vanda Brandt
Project Manager

Niklas Uppenberg
Project Manager
Last reviewed: 2024-12-12