Supervision Reports

An annual report from each of the three sections at FI: Banking, Insurance and Markets. The reports discuss both risk- and supervision-related issues within each section. Three reports a year.


FI Supervision 27: Non-life insurance undertakings’ product approval processes

2023-09-21 | Reports News Consumer

The process for product approval is central from a consumer protection perspective. It aims to ensure that insurance undertakings focus on consumer interests when they develop and maintain insurance products. In an in-depth analysis that Finansinspektionen has conducted, we have seen a number of good examples of how undertakings work with and apply this process.


FI Supervision 19: Credit institutions’ management of counterparty risk and CVA risks

2021-12-09 | Reports Markets Bank

FI has conducted an investigation into a number of credit institutions’ exposures, risk measurement and management of counterparty risk and credit valuation adjustment (CVA) risk related to positions in financial derivatives.

FI Supervision 24: Complaints handling in insurance firms

Finansinspektionen (FI) conducted a survey of twenty insurance firms and determined that the firms in general handle complaints in a satisfactory manner, but there is room for improvement.

FI Supervision Report 23: Observations from anti-money laundering reporting

FI has analysed and compared information that firms under FI’s money laundering supervision reported to the authority during the years 2018-2021. The analysis indicates areas where the companies need to develop their processes to better handle the risk of being misused for money laundering or terrorist financing.

FI Supervision Report 21: Financial instruments with crypto-assets as underlying asset

2021-02-22 | Fintech Reports Consumer

FI conducted a thematic review of the market for financial instruments with crypto-assets as an underlying asset. FI is of the view that there is a lack of adequate consumer protection regulation for crypto-assets. Valuing them is also challenging and the instruments are volatile. This makes the products unsuitable for most, if not all, retail consumers.


FI Supervision 20: Distribution of Life Insurance

The majority of the distribution on the life insurance market occurs through external distribution channels. It is therefore important for insurance firms to fulfil their responsibility to choose suitable distribution channels for the target market and follow up that the insurance products are distributed to the proper target group.

FI Supervision 18: Continuity management at banks

Many banks are working actively with continuity management and have implemented key measures to reduce the risk of serious disruptions. At the same time, FI sees a need for the banks to further strengthen their continuity management. FI expects the banks to continue to focus on enhancing the resilience of their critical functions. This supervision report describes the areas where FI would like to see improvements.


FI Supervision 15: decreased transparency in bond trading

2019-10-17 | Reports MiFID Markets

Transparency on the Swedish bond markets has decreased. This is the conclusion of Finansinspektionen’s (FI) analysis of the impact of the transparency rules that were introduced when the Directive and the Regulation for the securities market entered into force in 2018.

FI Supervision 12: Insurance Undertakings’ Own Risk and Solvency Assessments

2019-05-08 | Reports Insurance

Finansinspektionen (FI) has conducted a survey of how insurance undertakings are performing their own risk and solvency assessments. FI is of the opinion that many undertakings’ assessments can be improved.


FI Supervision 9: Banks’ work on information and cyber security

2018-12-07 | Fintech Reports Bank

Several banks are working to develop and enhance their information and cyber security. Some have not yet fully adapted their work to the changed conditions introduced by increased digitalisation and an increased level of cyber threats. FI expects that the banks will continue to focus on developing their information- and cyber security abilities, and keep managing and monitoring their information and cyber risks.