

Interest rate puts pressure on indebted households

2024-05-29 | Mortgage Reports News

Households continue to be under pressure from both higher interest rates and other costs. This is evident in FI’s mortgage report. The report looks at new mortgagors during the autumn of 2023. We can see that there are fewer mortgagors than in previous years. Home buyers also bought slightly less expensive homes and borrowed slightly less. Total lending to households has stagnated, but despite this household indebtedness continues to be high.

FI Analysis 45: High risks in small and mid-sized commercial real estate firms

2024-05-27 | Reports Stability Bank

Many smaller, unlisted commercial real estate (CRE) firms have a high loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and a low interest coverage ratio (ICR). This makes them vulnerable to a scenario with high interest rates and lower earnings. A new FI Analysis concludes that, given such a scenario, smaller CRE firms would constitute the majority of banks’ real estate sector-related credit risks.

Stability in the Financial System (2024:1): A slightly better outlook in an uncertain environment

2024-05-27 | Payments Reports News

The outlook for financial stability has improved somewhat, and uncertainty has decreased, but we are still in the middle of a recession. Higher costs for both interest payments and other goods and services are putting pressure on households and firms. The worsened global security situation is also imposing increased demands on the operational resilience in the financial sectorn. These are the conclusions of this year's first stability report.


FI Analysis No. 41: Commercial real estate firms may need to reduce their debt

In this analysis, we estimate how much Swedish listed and larger privately owned commercial real estate firms need to reduce their debt in a climate of rising financing costs and falling property values. We calculate the firms need to reduce their debt to maintain certain levels of interest coverage ratio and loan-to-value.

Stability in the Financial System (2023:2): Adjustments to higher interest rates remain to be made

The higher interest rate means that households and companies need to make adjustments to their finances. Finansinspektionen (FI) is now seeing a decline in risk-taking. However, the change in the state of the economy and uncertainty regarding how long the higher interest rates will remain pose a risk to financial stability. Commercial real estate undertakings with high debt are particularly at risk should the interest rates remain high. These are the conclusions of the second Stability Report of the year.

Stability in the Financial System (2023:1)

Since the publication of the stability report last autumn, inflation has slowed somewhat in the large economies but is still significantly higher than the central banks’ inflation targets. Monetary policy has therefore been tightened further, and interest rates continued to rise. High inflation and rising interest rates mean that the forecasts for global economic development continue to be weak.

The Swedish Mortgage Market 2023

Mortgagors are under pressure from rising interest rates. At the same time, the majority of new mortgagors continue to have good margins in their personal finances. These are the conclusions drawn by Finansinspektionen in this year’s Swedish Mortgage Market report, which is being presented today.


FI Analysis No. 39: Are the capital buffers fulfilling their purpose?

The minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) is designed in such a way that the banks can breach it before they breach the capital requirements. As a result, this can reduce the usability of the capital buffers. This is shown in FI’s analysis of how the capital buffers are impacted when a bank must meet both MREL and the capital requirements.

Roadmap for sustainable finance

In 2019, FI’s overarching mandate was expanded to include a responsibility to ensure that the financial system contributes to sustainable development. FI is also the responsible supervisory authority for a number of new regulations related to sustainable finance that are the result of the EU’s ambitious sustainability agenda.

Stability in the Financial System (2022:2)

High inflation has led to rapidly rising interest rates. Given the current rapid change in conditions, both participants on the financial markets and borrowers need to transition quickly. In the short term, this means elevated risks and greater uncertainty.  The already high risks in the commercial real estate sector have continued to increase.

Stability in the Financial System (2022:1)

Interest rates and interest rate expectations have increased in 2022 due to high and rising inflation. One sector that is vulnerable to rising interest rates is the commercial real estate sector. FI has also noted that liquidity on the bond markets has decreased, and the functionality of the corporate bond market is once again impaired.

FI Analysis No 36: Has FI’s risk weight floor had an impact on banks’ CRE lending?

2022-04-28 | Reports Stability Bank

In this FI Analysis, we study how the risk weight floor has impacted the banks’ lending to CRE firms using detailed lending data. The aim is to analyse whether the risk weight floor impacted the banks’ interest margins and the risk in their lending. We also investigate how the volume of bank loans and bonds to CRE firms has changed before and after the introduction of the risk weight floor.

The Swedish Mortgage Market 2022

Swedish households continue to take increasingly larger loans. More new mortgagors than in previous years had both a high loan-to-income ratio and a high loan-to-value ratio. Higher inflation and rising interest rates mean that mortgagors have smaller margins in their personal finances. This decreases the consumption capacity at the same time as the mortgagors’ ability to repay their loan is impaired.


Stability in the Financial System (2021:2)

Sweden’s economy has largely recovered and there is good access to financing in the financial system. The Riksbank should therefore begin the phase-out of asset purchasing to avoid further increase of risk-taking. Amongst others, FI sees growing risks within the commercial real estate companies.

Overall assessment of macroprudential measures

Since 2010, FI has implemented a number of macroprudential measures aimed at increasing the resilience in the financial system and subduing the risks associated with high and rising household debt. These measures include tightening the capital requirements on banks and introducing a mortgage cap and two amortisation requirements. In this report, we present an overall assessment of these measures, with a focus on the measures that, via lenders, place restrictions on households’ mortgage borrowing.

FI Analys No 34: Temporary amortisation exemption led to new mortgagors borrowing

The temporary amortisation exemption resulted in new mortgagors borrowing almost 4 per cent more and buying homes that were approximately 1 per cent more expensive, concludes a new FI Analysis.

FI Analysis No. 33: Household debt and resilience

The ability to borrow is beneficial to households in many ways. At the same time, debt can make their consumption more sensitive to unexpected changes in interest rates, income, and house prices. This, in turn, can affect how the economy evolves in a crisis. But measures that lead to lower debt don’t necessarily increase the resilience of all households. To assess the effects of borrower-based measures, it is necessary to also consider households’ balance sheets, in particular their liquid assets.

Stability in the Financial System (2021:1)

The economy is continuing to recover. Support measures have been necessary to speed up the recovery, but they need to be gradually phased out as the economy strengthens. This applies primarily to measures that are associated with the build-up of stability risks.

The Swedish Mortgage Market (2021)

New borrowers continue to take larger mortgages in relation to their income and the value of their home. At the same time, they have good margins for servicing their loans under weaker economic conditions.

Sustainability Report 2021 – the climate in focus

Finansinspektionen has an assignment to promote the financial system’s contribution to sustainable development. The sustainability report outlines the current sustainability issues that are related to the financial sector and lists examples of what FI is working on in this area.

FI Analysis 27: Non-financial firms and financial stability: a description of vulnerabilities

2021-01-19 | Reports Stability Bank

This FI Analysis describes how vulnerabilities from lending to non-financial firms arise and why FI needs to follow them to fulfil its assignment to safeguard financial stability.


Stability in the Financial System (2020:2)

The pandemic has triggered a deep economic recession in many countries, even if a slight recovery has begun. Extensive support measures have mitigated the economic impact and reduced the uncertainty on the financial markets. During the autumn, infection rates have once again begun to increase and several countries have introduced new restrictions, which will dampen the economic recovery, even though it is uncertain to which extent.

FI Analysis 26: Macro-based credit loss model for major Swedish banks

Large credit losses can result in otherwise profitable banks reporting a loss. This FI Analysis describes a methodology for estimating how large credit losses can be in a stressed macroeconomic scenario.

FI Analysis 25: Interest rate deductions and households’ loans

The tax rebate for interest expenses – the interest deduction – means that households borrow more, and can and want to pay more for homes. This means that the households experience an increase in both their liabilities and assets, which in turn could have an impact on the stability of the financial system. In this FI Analysis, we calculate the impact of a change to the interest deduction. The reason for this analysis is the direct link between interest deductions and households’ loans.

FI Analysis 24: Stress test of bank lending to commercial real estate firms

2020-11-11 | Reports Stability Bank

Commercial real estate firms are sensitive to changes in interest rate expenses and income. Following a shock, vulnerable commercial real estate firms could lead to credit losses for the banks.

FI Analysis 23: Can the bond market dampen the credit cycle?

The access of non-financial firms to credit is central for financial stability, particularly during financial crises. In recent years, the market for corporate bonds has grown steadily and currently plays an important role in firms’ financing. This analysis shows that it has not been easier to issue corporate bonds in Swedish krona during financial crises than to take a bank loan. This pattern deviates from previous research on the USA and the euro zone.

FI Supervision 18: Continuity management at banks

Many banks are working actively with continuity management and have implemented key measures to reduce the risk of serious disruptions. At the same time, FI sees a need for the banks to further strengthen their continuity management. FI expects the banks to continue to focus on enhancing the resilience of their critical functions. This supervision report describes the areas where FI would like to see improvements.

Stability in the Financial System (2020:1)

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an exceptional stress for the real economy. Governments, central banks and supervisory authorities have implemented significant measures to dampen the crisis. This has helped to reduce the uncertainty on the financial markets. But we are in still in the middle of the crisis, and there is considerable uncertainty going forward.

The Swedish Mortgage Market (2020)

The percentage of new mortgagors with a high level of debt in relation to either their income or the value of the home continues to be high. New mortgagors in 2019 increased their average loan-to-income ratio. The average loan-to-value ratio also increased in 2019 among new mortgagors, thus breaking the trend of falling loan-to-value ratios since 2013.


FI Analysis 20: Fewer home equity withdrawals after amortisation requirements

This FI Analysis shows that households’ tendency to use mortgages for purchases other than buying a home decreased following the amortisation requirements.

FI Analysis 19: Young adults and the housing market

This FI Analysis shows that the the increase in house prices is the primary reason it has become more difficult for young adults to buy a home.

Stability in the Financial System (2019:2)

The low interest rates are expected to remain low for a longer period of time. It could lead to greater risk-taking among various actors, and increased challenges for insurance undertakings.

The Commercial Real Estate Market and Financial Stability

2019-05-28 | Reports Stability Bank

The commercial real estate market plays a key role in financial stability. The financial position of commercial firms is currently satisfactory, but many firms are vulnerable to higher interest rates and weaker economic growth.

Stability in the Financial System (2019:1)

Both the global and the Swedish economies appear to be slowing down. Low interest rates – which have resulted in high risk-taking and rising asset prices – are expected to remain low for a prolonged period of time. Resilience in the Swedish financial system is satisfactory in general. However, even if the banks’ resilience is satisfactory overall, FI makes the assessment that they need more capital to cover the risks in their lending to commercial real estate firms.

The Swedish Mortgage Market (2019)

High debt can mean risks for individual households, banks, financial stability and macroeconomic development. The mortgage survey serves as an important basis for the assessment of the risks associated with household debt.

FI-analysis 17: Fewer Vulnerable Households after Stricter Amortisation Requirement

Under FI's stricter amortisation requirement, which went into effect on 1 March 2018, new mortgagors with debt in excess of 450 per cent of gross income must amortise 1 percentage point more of their loan per year in addition to the existing requirement. The objective of the stricter requirement is to strengthen resilience of households by decreasing the number of mortgagors who have high debt in relation to their income.

FI Analysis 16: How do covered bonds function?

This FI Analysis describes how Swedish covered bonds function, how the regulation governing the cover pool is designed and how the cover pool is affected by a fall in house prices.

FI Analysis 15: Do banks still benefit from an expectation of an implicit state guarantee?

A new report from Finansinspektionen and the Swedish National Debt Office shows that the value of an implicit state guarantee for the major Swedish banks has decreased since the financial crisis in 2008–2009. This decrease is due to higher capital and liquidity requirements on the banks, a new regulation for managing banks in crisis and improved market conditions.


Stability in the Financial System (2018:2)

The economy continues to be strong, both in Sweden and globally, but it is now showing signs of a slow-down. Interest rates have been low for a long period of time, which has led to high risk-taking and rising asset prices. As a result, the risks in the financial system are elevated. The resilience in the Swedish financial system is satisfactory in general but continued high growth in debt fuelled by lending and investments related to residential property and commercial real estate require monitoring.

Stability in the Financial System

The Swedish economy continues to be strong, and resilience in the financial system is satisfactory. However, a long period of low interest rates and strong growth has resulted in an elevated risk appetite, high asset prices and high debt globally, among Swedish households and on the commercial real estate market. The high level of indebtedness makes the financial sector more sensitive to shocks, and, if necessary, FI will take additional measures to strengthen the resilience.

FI Supervision 3: Survey of Market Risks in Savings Banks

2018-05-09 | Reports Stability Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI) has conducted a survey of the management of market risks by savings banks and of their holdings in financial assets. FI’s assessment is that the majority of savings banks are managing their market risks in an acceptable manner.

FI-analysis 12: The mortgage cap reduced household debt

This FI Analysis presents an assessment of the Swedish mortgage cap. The analysis indicates that the mortgage cap has changed household behaviour. Households with new mortgages borrow less than what they would have done if FI had not implemented the mortgage cap. They are also buying less expensive homes.

The Swedish Mortgage Market

Finansinspektionen (FI) follows the development of household debt on an ongoing basis. The mortgage survey serves as an important source of data for this work. High debt can mean risks for individual households, banks, financial stability and the macroeconomic devel-opment.


Swedish banking requirements for financial stability should be safeguarded

The design of the Swedish regulations for capital adequacy and crisis management is appropriate for reducing the risk of financial crises and ensuring effective management if a crisis were still to occur. This is the conclusion reached by Finansinspektionen (FI) and the Swedish National Debt Office in a joint report. The report emphasises that Sweden should safeguard national discretions in the framework of banking requirements in ongoing EU negotiations.

Supervision of the banks

2017-04-20 | Reports Stability Bank

This year’s supervision report describes, at an overarching level, the Swedish banking system, how FI works with supervision and a number of topical risk areas currently in focus.

FI Analysis 10: Amortisation requirement reduced household debt

This FI Analysis shows that the amortisation requirement has helped households with new mortgages change their behavior. New mortgagors are taking smaller mortgages than what they would have done if FI had not implemented the amortisation requirement. These households are also buying less expensive homes.

FI Analysis 9: Households’ interest rate adjustment periods – an economic vulnerability?

SUMMARY: In Sweden, both the percentage of mortgages that have a variable interest rate and household debts have risen sharply. This combination has made house-holds sensitive to rising interest rates.


FI Analysis 7: Leverage ratio as a minimum requirement reduces banks’ buffers

2016-11-10 | Reports Stability Bank

A leverage ratio requirement could contribute positively to financial stability during normal conditions in that it increases the robustness of banks' capital adequacy.

How can the financial sector contribute to sustainable development?

Finansinspektionen is publishing today two reports on sustainability. Together, they serve as the report to the Government that FI was tasked with earlier in the year on the continued work with sustainability issues, how these issues are linked to financial regulation and supervision and how supervision can contribute to sustainable development in a constructive manner.

FI analysis 5: Macroeconomic effects of dept-to-income limits

House prices have been rising and, as a result, so has the debt of households in relation to their income – i.e. their debt-to-income (DTI) ratios. A DTI limit could slow this trend, but limiting households' opportunities to borrow would also slow consumption and economic activity.


Risks in the financial system 2013

Swedish banks are relatively strong, but they continue to be vulnerable to disruptions on the financial markets, and the development within the Euro zone continues to represent a risk to the Swedish financial system.


Risks in the financial system 2012

Finansinspektionen’s (FI’s) 2012 risk report 2012 continues to focus on unease on financial markets, where the greatest risk to the Swedish financial system is still a deepened sovereign debt crisis in Europe. Because of low market rates, life insurance undertakings are under pressure, and FI now sees a risk of consumers ending up in a squeeze as the firms review their commitments. This year too, FI views the financial advice market with concern. In this market, consumers are being invited to invest in complex products while advisors receive commissions.


Risks in the financial system 2011

Sweden has remained relatively stable in a turbulent period but during this time the risk level in the Swedish financial system has also risen. The uncertainty in surrounding markets has meant that banks’ liquidity risks and the impact of low interest rates on life insurance undertakings remain in focus. Finansinspektionen also believes there is a risk that the sale of complex products to consumers will increase.


Risks in the financial system 2010

Finansinspektionen believes the risk level in the Swedish financial sector is lower than last year. Both Sweden’s economy and the situation on the financial market have improved. However, the uncertainty present in foreign markets represents a potential threat to Sweden’s development.


Risks in the financial system 2009

Finansinspektionen is charged with ensuring that the financial system isstable and efficient and that consumer protection is adequate. We carry outthese assignments by conducting supervision of financial companies, whichincludes business intelligence, the granting of licences, preparation of egulations,operational supervision with controls of how companies act andpotential interventions.


The Swedish banks can manage the recession (2008:18)

The four Swedish big banks have managed relatively well so far in the international bank crisis. Financing risks has been the greatest threat to Swedish banks during the autumn's turbulence. Thanks to measures by the Riksbank (Swedish central bank) and the Swedish National Debt Office, these risks have been managed to a great extent until the financing markets begin to function normally again.

Market turmoil and the Swedish banks

2008-03-27 | Reports Stability Bank

The Swedish banks have managed relatively well in the international turbulence prevailing on the financial markets. The four major banks made record profits in 2007 and they all have good financial strength. There are, however, risks in the near future as well as in the long-term. Although these risks are relatively serious, no individual risk is considered to pose a threat to the stability. FI continues to closely monitor the development.


Stability of the Swedish financial sector (2007:16)

2007-10-15 | Reports Stability Bank

Swedish banks are only marginally exposed to the assets that are affected most by this fall's market turbulence. Rather, the increased risks are coupled to increased lending in the Baltic states. This is the finding of FI's report The stability of the Swedish financial sector, which will be submitted to the Government today.


Increased household lending - a risk analysis

Lending to households has risen at a high and fairly steady rate – about 10% per year – during the past few years. The main increase has been in mortgage loans. The growth has been fuelled by historically low interest rates leading to rising house prices and, consequently, a greater need for financing. The sharp growth in lending has caused Finansinspektionen (FI) to review the banks' lending activities and to assess the possible consequences of this development for FI's financial stability targets and for maintaining a satisfactory level of consumer protection.