

Capital requirements for Swedish banks as of Q2 2024

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2024.

Decisions regarding reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Italy

2024-08-13 | ESRB News Stability

Finansinspektionen has passed decisions concerning reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Denmark, Portugal, Germany and Italy.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

In accordance with its assessment in the most recent stability report, FI is leaving the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged in the second quarter. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which was applied starting on 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Interest rate puts pressure on indebted households

2024-05-29 | Mortgage Reports News

Households continue to be under pressure from both higher interest rates and other costs. This is evident in FI’s mortgage report. The report looks at new mortgagors during the autumn of 2023. We can see that there are fewer mortgagors than in previous years. Home buyers also bought slightly less expensive homes and borrowed slightly less. Total lending to households has stagnated, but despite this household indebtedness continues to be high.

FI intends to extend banks’ risk weights floors for mortgages and commercial real estate lending

Finansinpektionen currently assesses that risks to Swedish mortgages and commercial properties remain and these will not be fully addressed when the EU’s second banking package enters into force on 1 January 2025. Therefore, FI intends to start the process during next year to extend the risk weight floors for mortgages and commercial real estate lending to at least 2027.

FI Analysis 45: High risks in small and mid-sized commercial real estate firms

2024-05-27 | Reports Stability Bank

Many smaller, unlisted commercial real estate (CRE) firms have a high loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and a low interest coverage ratio (ICR). This makes them vulnerable to a scenario with high interest rates and lower earnings. A new FI Analysis concludes that, given such a scenario, smaller CRE firms would constitute the majority of banks’ real estate sector-related credit risks.

Stability in the Financial System (2024:1): A slightly better outlook in an uncertain environment

2024-05-27 | Payments Reports News

The outlook for financial stability has improved somewhat, and uncertainty has decreased, but we are still in the middle of a recession. Higher costs for both interest payments and other goods and services are putting pressure on households and firms. The worsened global security situation is also imposing increased demands on the operational resilience in the financial sectorn. These are the conclusions of this year's first stability report.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2024

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2024

FI would like the financial market to shift its sustainability work into the next gear

There is a lot of work left to do before the financial market fully contributes to a sustainable economy. For example, firms need to be better at identifying and integrating sustainability risks. One condition for this is that they have the right competence in sustainability-related matters. Firms also are responsible for preventing their operations from being used for criminal purposes. These are several of the conclusions we draw in our sustainability report that is being published today.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

In accordance with its assessment in the most recent stability report, FI is leaving the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged in the first quarter. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which was applied starting on 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q4 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q4 2023.

Our supervision priorities for 2024

Are consumers being offered the right services on the financial market? How is the sector delivering crucial services in an uncertain global environment? How are financial corporations protecting themselves from being used for criminal purposes? These are some of the questions we will focus on in our supervision this year.


FI Analysis No. 43: d-SRI: A systemic risk indicator for Sweden

2023-12-14 | Reports Stability

In this FI-analysis we adapt the systemic risk indicator d-SRI to Swedish conditions. d-SRI is intended to give an early warning signal before crises caused by domestic imbalances arise. d-SRI indicates build-up of risks during the years leading up to the crisis in the 1990s, the 2000 dot-com crash, and the 2008 financial crisis. In present time when we see reduced credit growth and lower asset prices, d-SRI is showing that financial conditions are tight.

FI extends the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgage exposures

2023-12-14 | Mortgage EBA News

FI has decided to extend the risk weight floor by two years, from 31 December 2023 to 30 December 2025.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

In accordance with its assessment in the most recent stability report, FI is leaving the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged in the fourth quarter. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which was applied starting on 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Banking package close to completion

On 6 December, the EU Member States approved a banking package that implements the last parts of the Basel III agreement in the EU. The European Parliament is also expected to approve the agreed rules in the near future.

FI Analysis No. 41: Commercial real estate firms may need to reduce their debt

In this analysis, we estimate how much Swedish listed and larger privately owned commercial real estate firms need to reduce their debt in a climate of rising financing costs and falling property values. We calculate the firms need to reduce their debt to maintain certain levels of interest coverage ratio and loan-to-value.

Stability in the Financial System (2023:2): Adjustments to higher interest rates remain to be made

The higher interest rate means that households and companies need to make adjustments to their finances. Finansinspektionen (FI) is now seeing a decline in risk-taking. However, the change in the state of the economy and uncertainty regarding how long the higher interest rates will remain pose a risk to financial stability. Commercial real estate undertakings with high debt are particularly at risk should the interest rates remain high. These are the conclusions of the second Stability Report of the year.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2023.

FI notifies the EU regarding extension of the existing risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

FI notifies the EU regarding extension of the existing risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

In accordance with its assessment in the most recent stability report, FI is leaving the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which was applied starting on 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q2 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2023.

Large Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2023-07-31 | EBA News Stability

The five largest Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in market conditions, based on the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which will be applied as of 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Reciprocation of Norwegian systemic risk buffer

2023-06-05 | News Stability Bank

Finansinspektionen has reciprocated the Norwegian systemic risk buffer.

Stability in the Financial System (2023:1)

Since the publication of the stability report last autumn, inflation has slowed somewhat in the large economies but is still significantly higher than the central banks’ inflation targets. Monetary policy has therefore been tightened further, and interest rates continued to rise. High inflation and rising interest rates mean that the forecasts for global economic development continue to be weak.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2023

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2023.

FI proposes update to its approach for assessing Pillar 2 guidance for Swedish banks

2023-04-04 | News Stability Bank

Finansinspektionen presents a proposal for an update to its approach for assessing the size of the Pillar 2 guidance for Swedish banks. The proposal entails in part new intervals and an upper limit on how much the outcome of the sensitivity-based stress test can contribute to the final guidance. Comments on the proposal should be submitted to FI no later than 2 May.

Rising interest costs putting pressure on mortgagors

2023-03-28 | Mortgage News Stability

Mortgagors are under pressure from rising interest rates. At the same time, the majority of new mortgagors continue to have good margins in their personal finances. These are the conclusions drawn by Finansinspektionen in this year’s Swedish Mortgage Market report, which is being presented today.

The Swedish Mortgage Market 2023

Mortgagors are under pressure from rising interest rates. At the same time, the majority of new mortgagors continue to have good margins in their personal finances. These are the conclusions drawn by Finansinspektionen in this year’s Swedish Mortgage Market report, which is being presented today.

IMF assessment of the financial sector in Sweden is complete

2023-03-16 | Payments News Stability

During 2022, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) carried out a special assessment of the financial sector in Sweden, a so-called FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program). FSAPs are conducted regularly for member countries with systemically important financial markets. The most recent FSAP for Sweden by the IMF was in 2016.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which will be applied as of 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q4 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q4 2022.

ESRB issues a recommendation on vulnerabilities in the commercial real estate sector

2023-01-25 | ESRB News Stability

The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB), the EU’s macroprudential overseer, has issued a general recommendation on risks linked to vulnerabilities in the commercial real estate (CRE) markets in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The recommendation calls for improved monitoring of such risks to the financial system, along with both micro- and macroprudential policy measures to address identified vulnerabilities where necessary.


FI Analysis No. 39: Are the capital buffers fulfilling their purpose?

The minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) is designed in such a way that the banks can breach it before they breach the capital requirements. As a result, this can reduce the usability of the capital buffers. This is shown in FI’s analysis of how the capital buffers are impacted when a bank must meet both MREL and the capital requirements.

FI maintains level of systemic risk buffer for major banks

The three major banks, SEB, Handelsbanken and Swedbank, will continue to maintain a systemic risk buffer of 3 per cent at group level. This decision was made following FI’s biennial review of the systemic risk buffer in accordance with the European Capital Requirements Directive.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which will be applied as of 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Roadmap for sustainable finance

In 2019, FI’s overarching mandate was expanded to include a responsibility to ensure that the financial system contributes to sustainable development. FI is also the responsible supervisory authority for a number of new regulations related to sustainable finance that are the result of the EU’s ambitious sustainability agenda.

Macro-based stress tests of Swedish banks: results and method, Autumn 2022

Major Swedish banks demonstrate considerable resilience in the stress test Finansinspektionen (FI) conducted in 2022. The test identifies the potential effects on the five largest Swedish banks’ financial positions when interest rates and inflation increase. This memorandum (only available in Swedish) describes the method behind the stress test and its results.

Financial stability risks are increasing on the back of rising interest rates and a weakening economy

2022-11-29 | News Stability Markets

Rising interest rates, decreased risk-taking and a slowing economy are weighing on highly indebted commercial real estate firms and households. The rapid transition to higher interest rates and a decreased willingness to take risk means financial stability risks have increased since spring. At the same time, this transition may lead to lower risk-taking and indebtedness in the long run, thus lowering stability risks.

Stability in the Financial System (2022:2)

High inflation has led to rapidly rising interest rates. Given the current rapid change in conditions, both participants on the financial markets and borrowers need to transition quickly. In the short term, this means elevated risks and greater uncertainty.  The already high risks in the commercial real estate sector have continued to increase.

FI Analysis No. 37: Stress tests of funds’ liquidity risks

2022-11-29 | Funds Reports Stability

FI’s stress tests show that the majority of Swedish funds appear to be able to handle relatively large outflows in an effective manner. However, some corporate bond funds and a relatively large share of high-yield bond funds may experience liquidity problems under stressed market conditions.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2022.

Reciprocation of Norwegian systemic risk buffer

2022-10-28 | News Stability Bank

Finansinspektionen has reciprocated the Norwegian systemic risk buffer.

Erik Thedéen: Adjustments needed on the commercial real estate market

Erik Thedéen, Director General of Finansinspektionen (FI), spoke at the Öresundsmarknaden conference about FI’s view on the commercial real estate market.

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged

FI leaves the countercyclical buffer rate unchanged. The buffer rate of 2 per cent, which will be applied as of 22 June 2023, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is calculated at 0 per cent.

Minutes from the extraordinary meeting of the Financial Stability Council held on 4 September 2022

The minutes from the Financial Stability Council’s extraordinary meeting on 4 September is now available.

The Swedish Financial Stability Council agrees on measures to safeguard financial stability

The Swedish Financial Stability Council agrees on measures to safeguard financial stability. The council met on Sunday the 4th of September for an extraordinary meeting due to the liquidity problems in the market for electricity derivatives.

Commercial real estate debt, non-banks, and the stability of the financial system

Karin Lundberg, Executive Director of Banking, FI, talked about commercial real estate debt, non-banks, and the stability of the financial system in a speech at the UBS Annual Nordic Financial Services Conference.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q2 2022

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2022.