

FI Supervision 29: Advisors are not taking customers’ sustainability preferences into account

Six out of ten say that sustainability is important when saving money. Advisors at banks, investment firms and insurance intermediaries have an obligation to take into account consumers’ sustainability preferences. This does not always happen. Instead, many consumers currently face a risk of investing in products that do not correspond to their expectations when it comes to sustainability. This is the conclusion FI draws from its analysis, and we are now encouraging firms to devote a special focus to this topic.

FI Analysis No. 42: Gender differences in investment behaviour

2024-03-18 | Reports News Consumer

The study confirms previous results showing that women are underrepresented in the stock market. The differences arise as early as three years of age, which shows that adults more often buy stocks for boys than for girls. We also see that men generally have larger stock portfolios than women throughout life, although women increase their stock wealth later in life.


Consumer Protection Report 2023

The risks given the highest priority in FI’s consumer protection work for 2023 are unaffordable lending, unsuitable investment products and investment fraud.

Open finance in Sweden

2023-06-28 | Fintech Reports News

Digitalisation introduces both opportunities and risks to the financial market. After conducting a new survey, FI has noted that broader regulation on how customer data can be shared with third-party providers could make it easier for consumers to compare financial products such as occupational pensions and mortgages.


Consumer Protection Report 2022

2022-04-28 | Reports Consumer Markets

Unsound lending practices and commission from the sale of financial instruments are the highest prioritised risks in Finansinspektionen’s (FI) consumer protection assignment for 2022.


Sustainability Report 2021 – the climate in focus

Finansinspektionen has an assignment to promote the financial system’s contribution to sustainable development. The sustainability report outlines the current sustainability issues that are related to the financial sector and lists examples of what FI is working on in this area.

Consumer Protection Report 2021

2021-02-24 | Reports Consumer Markets

Paying by invoice or with other credit-based offers is becoming an integral part of shopping online. Young adults are unique with their small margins and large number of payment reminders and collection notices. Unaffordable loans are a prioritised consumer risk in this year’s report.

FI Supervision Report 21: Financial instruments with crypto-assets as underlying asset

2021-02-22 | Fintech Reports Consumer

FI conducted a thematic review of the market for financial instruments with crypto-assets as an underlying asset. FI is of the view that there is a lack of adequate consumer protection regulation for crypto-assets. Valuing them is also challenging and the instruments are volatile. This makes the products unsuitable for most, if not all, retail consumers.


Consumer Protection Report 2020

2020-02-14 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) will prioritise two consumer protection risks for further work in 2020: unaffordable lending and unsuitable advice and distribution of financial products to consumers who were not part of the product’s original intended target market. FI will also assess the adequacy of claims handling for home insurance.


Stability in the Financial System (2019:2)

The low interest rates are expected to remain low for a longer period of time. It could lead to greater risk-taking among various actors, and increased challenges for insurance undertakings.

Stability in the Financial System (2019:1)

Both the global and the Swedish economies appear to be slowing down. Low interest rates – which have resulted in high risk-taking and rising asset prices – are expected to remain low for a prolonged period of time. Resilience in the Swedish financial system is satisfactory in general. However, even if the banks’ resilience is satisfactory overall, FI makes the assessment that they need more capital to cover the risks in their lending to commercial real estate firms.

Consumer Protection Report 2019

2019-04-03 | Reports Consumer Markets

In this report, Finansinspektionen (FI) presents the most prioritised consumer risks it has identified for 2019. FI also presents the experiences from its consumer protection work over the past year. Finally, FI identifies two areas on the financial market where consumer protection is clearly deficient and proposes regulatory changes to fill these gaps.


Stability in the Financial System (2018:2)

The economy continues to be strong, both in Sweden and globally, but it is now showing signs of a slow-down. Interest rates have been low for a long period of time, which has led to high risk-taking and rising asset prices. As a result, the risks in the financial system are elevated. The resilience in the Swedish financial system is satisfactory in general but continued high growth in debt fuelled by lending and investments related to residential property and commercial real estate require monitoring.

Stability in the Financial System

The Swedish economy continues to be strong, and resilience in the financial system is satisfactory. However, a long period of low interest rates and strong growth has resulted in an elevated risk appetite, high asset prices and high debt globally, among Swedish households and on the commercial real estate market. The high level of indebtedness makes the financial sector more sensitive to shocks, and, if necessary, FI will take additional measures to strengthen the resilience.

FI Supervision 4: Survey of Funds of Funds

2018-05-21 | Reports Consumer Markets

FI has surveyed 25 funds of funds managed by 25 fund management companies and AIF managers. FI has scrutinised how the consumer is informed about fees and how the managers have reported their funds of funds’ objectives and performance.


Stability in the Financial System (2017:2)

2017-11-29 | Reports Consumer Markets

The Swedish economy continues to be strong and interest rates are extremely low, which contributes to high asset prices and low risk premiums. As global interest rates rise in the future, there is a risk for an abrupt increase in risk premiums and a fall in asset prices, which could be stressful for the financial system.


A necessary step for a better savings market

2016-07-14 | Reports Consumer Markets

FI believes that independent financial advice would play an important role on the savings market, since consumers are at an information disadvantage in relation to producers of saving products while at the same time having to take more responsibility for their financial future.


Supervision Report 2013

2013-05-28 | Reports Consumer Markets

Many of the development trends in today’s financial markets raise important issues for FI. For consumers, greater mobility and increasingly complex financial products represent not only more opportunities but also higher risks. FI needs to bring attention to these risks and resolve them.


Supervision Report 2012

2012-05-24 | Reports Consumer Markets

The issues presented in this year’s Supervision Report stem from the work on financial consumer protection, financial stability and the requirements on company owners and management. In addition, the report discusses the increased international work, primarily within the EU.


Supervision Report 2011

2011-05-25 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen's annual Supervision Report discusses areas in which fundamental issues with regard to supervision and regulatory development have risen to the forefront and in turn have resulted in new lessons and conclusions.


Lessons learned from supervision and regulatory development

2010-05-18 | Reports Consumer Markets

FI's annual Supervision Report describes the lessons learned from the financial crisis as well as more general issues regarding consumer protection.


The banks’ financial advice and the law

2009-05-18 | Reports Consumer Markets

The overall conclusion is that there is a good census of opinion between bank customers and advisors about how the advisory service should work. Both advisors and customers feel that the advice lives up to the legal requirements.

Insurance intermediaries. In the borderland between marketing and mediation

2009-04-23 | Reports Consumer Markets

During 2008, FI has conducted a survey of the insurance intermediaries’ operations. The survey has covered 850 insurance intermediaries who have answered a questionnaire containing questions about the operations.


IT disruptions at a constant, high level

2008-12-10 | Reports Consumer Markets

IT disruptions are increasing at some companies and decreasing at others. On the whole, the number of disruptions remains at a constant, high level.

Market turmoil and the Swedish investment funds

2008-02-08 | Reports Consumer Markets

The turmoil on the financial market has caused declining values and large net outflows in certain Swedish investment funds. Furthermore, some securities have become more difficult to value. According to this investigation, the fund management companies have taken actions to satisfactorily deal with this matter.


Action plan for retail investors - a 10-point action plan

2007-11-15 | Reports Consumer Markets

Consumer protection problems on the financial market often derive from the consumer’s significant disadvantage vis-à-vis the firm in terms of information. The government’s assignment is to find different ways to level out these types of inequalities. This entails ensuring that financial firms produce relevant information that is presented to the consumer so it can be easily understood. It also entails improving the consumers’ possibilities for finding, understanding and applying relevant information. Educational and informational activities are important parts of this assignment.

Information disclosure by fund management companies

2007-05-09 | Reports Consumer Markets

This study shows that five of 18 reviewed fund management companiessystematically failed to offer their customers information as stipulated by law.

Advice, the customer and the law - a study of financial advice

2007-04-11 | Reports Consumer Markets

In this study, FI has identified a number of areas where companies are most likely deficient in their role as a financial advisor, which can have negative consequences for both the customer and the company.

Neat and orderly? A review of 678 insurance intermediaries

2007-03-15 | Reports Consumer Markets

FI has reviewed the basic requirements for the organisation of 678 insurance intermediaries.


The warrant market – a review of information provided to non-institutional investors

2006-10-10 | Reports Consumer Markets

It has been possible to trade warrants on the Swedish market since 1995. A warran tis a financial instrument that gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to either buy or sell a share at a predetermined price at a specific date in the future. Payment at redemption is effected by cash settlement. Since its introduction, warrant trading has fluctuated but in recent years it has increased in conjunction with the increasingly strong stock market. From January-June 2006, warrants were traded for a total of SEK 12.1 billion* on the Stockholm Stock Exchange and an additional SEK 7.1 billion on NDX, which is a part of the Nordic Growth Market NGM AB exchange. The majority of trades involve non-institutional investors.


The consumer and advice

2005-12-28 | Reports Consumer Markets

FI considers that the rules governing financial advice have resulted in notable improvements for the consumer. This is demonstrated in the study The consumer and advice, which was recently published by FI.

Processing of complaints in the financial sector

2005-10-11 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) has studied how well companies follow FI's regulations and general guidelines regarding the processing of complaints. The study included 196 companies in the banking, fund management, securities and insurance sectors.


Procedures relating to customer orders at securities companies

2004-06-22 | Reports Consumer Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) has conducted a review of how securities companies execute orders from private clients based on current rules, including industry regulations.