
Here you can find news from FI.


New procedures to enhance transparency

2020-12-22 | News About FI Markets

As of 1 January 2021, FI will implement new procedures for how it announces opened and closed supervision investigations.

Households’ finances and financial literacy 2020

Single-adult households with children continue to have a more difficult financial situation than other households. FI has measured households’ financial literacy and found that it has improved in almost all areas compared to previous surveys.

Financial firms must be restrictive with dividends until September 2021

2020-12-18 | Coronavirus ESRB News

In light of the economic uncertainty caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, FI expects banks, including credit institutions and other financial firms such as insurance companies, to be restrictive with dividends and share buybacks until 30 September 2021. During this period, total dividends from and buybacks by the banks should not exceed 25 per cent of their aggregate net earnings for the two financial years 2019–2020.

Maintenance of TRS2 system planned for beginning of January 2021 in conjunction with Brexit

2020-12-17 | Brexit ESMA News

Due to Brexit, ESMA will have a maintenance window from 31 December 2020 through (preliminarily) 7 January 2021.

US central bank joins NGFS

FI welcomes the Federal Reserve to the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), which celebrates its third anniversary today.

Reminder: what a hard Brexit will entail

2020-12-15 | Brexit News Markets

What will happen in the event that the transition period ends without an agreement between the EU and the UK.

Dampened recovery can weaken financial stability

An increase in the spread of the coronavirus will dampen the recovery in European economies and, in the long run, this could impact financial stability, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in this year’s second stability report, which will be published today.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2020

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2020.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 24 November not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 0 per cent, which was applied starting on 16 March 2020, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 1.7 per cent.

European Commission approves extension of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2020-11-18 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The European Commission has announced that it does not intend to object to FI's intention to extend the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages. This means that FI may implement the measure.

Bank dividends not appropriate until the situation has stabilised

As the crisis unrolled this past spring in full force, it required fast and extraordinary measures. For example, FI lowered the countercyclical buffer requirement for the banks and encouraged them at the same time to postpone their dividend payments until the situation had become clearer. During the autumn, FI repeated its message to the banks to not make any dividend payments in 2020.

AK Nordic receives a remark and an administrative fine

2020-10-14 | News Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI) is issuing credit market company AK Nordic AB a remark. The company must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 20 million.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2020-10-09 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 16 October, from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

The new Short Selling Register is launched today

2020-10-05 | News Reporting Markets

Today, FI launches a new Short Selling Register for significant net short positions.

Credit checks must be improved

2020-10-01 | News Consumer Bank

Large credits are growing, but the smallest credits are growing faster. More borrowers are having difficulty making their payments soon after the credits are granted, and these payment difficulties are more prevalent among younger borrowers than older borrowers. These are some of the conclusions from Finansinspektionen's report this year on consumer credit. These conclusions indicate that lenders’ credit checks are not working as they should, and FI is therefore now reviewing the guidelines.

FI proposes amended rules and a change in the application of banks’ capital requirements

FI is proposing regulatory amendments and a change in the application of capital requirements for Swedish banks in order to adapt to the EU’s so-called banking package.

New reporting system for short selling is launched today

2020-09-24 | News Reporting Markets

Today, FI launches a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

New reporting system for short selling to be launched this week

2020-09-21 | News Reporting Markets

This week, FI will launch a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

FI confirms investigation into Swedbank

Swedbank has written in a press release that FI is investigating potential breaches of the Market Abuse Act. Given that the company has chosen to disclose information about the investigation, FI confirms that the information is correct. FI has opened an investigation.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 9 September not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 0 per cent, which was applied starting on 16 March 2020, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 1.3 per cent.

Reminder: New log-in method for periodic reporting replaces reporting card

2020-09-03 | News Reporting

Finansinspektionen would like to remind rapporteurs that FI has introduced a new log-in method for periodic reporting filed via an application on the computer that previously required a card and card reader. The new method requires users to log in using Bank ID.

Continued grounds for suspension of dividend payments for the rest of the year

Despite positive signals, there is still considerable uncertainty about how the coronavirus pandemic will develop in the next few months in both Sweden and the rest of the world. To ensure the banks’ resilience in a situation that continues to be uncertain, the banks should suspend the payment of dividends to shareholders in 2020. This was the message from Finansinspektionen’s Director General Erik Thedéen at Fastighetsdagen today.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q2 2020

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2020.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2020-08-24 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 28 August, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

New log-in method for periodic reporting replaces reporting card

2020-08-20 | News Reporting

Finansinspektionen has introduced a new log-in method for periodic reporting filed via an application on the computer that previously required a card and card reader. The new method requires users to log in using Bank ID.

ESRB recommendation on distribution

The COVID-19 pandemic has incurred large human and economic costs and also affected the financial sector. Maintaining own funds in financial institutions is important both for ensuring the resilience of the financial system and supporting banks' lending through this crisis.

New reporting system for short selling

2020-06-30 | News Reporting Markets

In the autumn of 2020, Finansinspektionen will introduce a new reporting system for the reporting of net short positions: the Short Selling Online Reporting tool.

UCITS holdings now published

2020-06-29 | Funds News Reporting

The first publication occasion covers UCITS holdings for Q1 2020 and older figures for the period Q4 2018 onward. The data will from now on be published with a two-month delay. This means that the holdings for Q2 2020 will be published on 1 September.

SEB receives an administrative fine for deficiencies in its work to combat money laundering in the Baltics

SEB has not sufficiently identified the risk of money laundering in its Baltic operations and has had deficiencies in its governance and control of the Baltic subsidiary banks’ anti-money laundering measures. SEB is therefore being issued a remark and an administrative fine of SEK 1 billion.

FI will hold press conference about SEB

Finansinspektionen (FI) will hold a press conference on Thursday, 25 June, following the Board of Directors’ decision regarding the investigation into SEB AB’s governance and control of measures to combat money laundering in the bank’s subsidiaries in the Baltic countries.

JAK Medlemsbank receives a remark and an administrative fine

JAK Medlemsbank (JAK) has been deficient in its work to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing. The bank is therefore being issued a remark and must pay an administrative fine of SEK 1.6 million.

New log-in method for periodic reporting replaces reporting card

2020-06-11 | News Reporting Markets

On 18 August 2020, FI will introduce a new log-in method for periodic reporting filed via an application on the computer and that previously required a card and card reader. The new method requires users to log in using Bank ID.

Measures stabilised the financial situation

Governments, central banks, and authorities around the world have taken powerful measures to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. These measures also helped dampen uncertainty on the financial markets. By utilising available buffers and continuing to lend to firms and households, the financial sector can dampen the impact of the crisis. It is also important to remember that the economic crisis is not over, and uncertainty is therefore high, notes Finansinspektionen (FI) in its first stability report of the year.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 3 June not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 0 per cent, which was applied starting on 16 March 2020, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.48 per cent.

FI withdraws the authorisation of investment firm Exceed

2020-06-02 | News Sanctions Markets

Finansinspektion (FI) immediately withdraws the authorisation for Exceed Capital Sverige AB. Under FI’s decision, the company loses all its authorisations and may no longer conduct regulated business. The decision will be presented by FI Director General Erik Thedéen and Chief Legal Counsel Eric Leijonram at a press conference today, Tuesday, 2 June, at 2:00 PM.

Global sustainability network NGFS publishes status report and guide for supervisors

The global sustainability network NGFS (Network for Greening the Financial System) is publishing today a report on how banks around the world consider climate-related risks in their lending. The report shows that this is occurring more frequently, but it is at the same time difficult to see which loans constitute a lower risk. This is because, for example, there is no international classification and a shared perception of which assets are “green” and “brown”.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2020

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2020.

New collection of data in EIOPA’s ongoing impact assessment of the Solvency II Review

2020-05-05 | Coronavirus EIOPA ESMA

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) will collect new data for its ongoing impact assessment to assess the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

FI resumes work on supervision investigations

2020-04-28 | Coronavirus News Markets

FI decided on 1 April given the acute stage of the coronavirus pandemic to extend the freeze on new supervision investigations until 3 May. This decision will not be extended again, which means that the freeze on ongoing supervision meetings, investigations and information gathering will be lifted starting on 4 May.

EU authority publishes consumer guides on insurance

2020-04-27 | Coronavirus EIOPA News

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a consumer guide with tips that target insurance customers.

EIOPA on principles for mitigating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in the occupational pensions sector

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a statement on principles that national competent authorities should consider to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the occupational pensions sector.

FI issues Skandia Liv a warning

2020-04-22 | News Sanctions Insurance

Skandia Liv has not calculated its capital need and commitments to its customers realistically or correctly for several years. This has entailed that the company’s customer protection and the company’s solvency have not been fairly assessed. Skandia Liv is therefore receiving a warning and an administrative fine of SEK 35 million.

The Swedish Bankers’ Association transfers administration of STIBOR to Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility

2020-04-17 | BMR News Markets

The Swedish Bankers’ Association has announced that the association is transferring the administration of the Swedish benchmark STIBOR to Swedish Financial Benchmark Facility (SFBF), whereupon the task of adapting STIBOR to the requirements set out in the EU Benchmarks Regulation falls to SFBF. Finansinspektionen will assess the application for authorisation of SFBF as administrator of STIBOR when it is submitted.

ESMA’s guidelines on alternative performance measures – questions and answers on COVID-19

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published new Q&As on its guidelines for alternative performance measures (APMs). ESMA aims with this document to continue to promote common application of the guidelines in the EU countries.

Minutes of the Financial Stability Council Meeting on 16 April

The minutes from the Financial Stability Council’s extraordinary meeting on 16 April have now been published on the Council’s website.

Financial Stability Council convenes an extraordinary meeting on 16 April

On Thursday, 16 April, the Minister for Financial Markets and Housing Per Bolund, Finansinspektionen, the Riksbank, and the Swedish National Debt Office will convene an extraordinary meeting of the Financial Stability Council.

FI’s view on the application of the EBA’s new guidelines on moratoria

2020-04-14 | Coronavirus EBA News

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published guidelines on 2 April on the criteria that must be fulfilled in order for measures taken to be viewed as general moratoria. FI considers exemptions from amortisation requirements for mortgages and payment reliefs for small and mid-sized firms in accordance with the Swedish National Debt Office’s loan guarantees to be measures that can be viewed as general moratoria under the guidelines.

Banks may now grant amortisation exemption

FI’s Board of Directors has decided that the proposal communicated on 2 April will go into effect as of today. This means that banks will now be able to grant both new and existing mortgagors exemption from the requirement on amortisation. The exemption gives mortgagors greater financial manoeuvrability in these uncertain times during the spread of COVID-19.

ESMA statement on publication of periodic reports for investment funds

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a statement on the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on the possibilities for managers of different types of funds to fulfil the requirements on when publication of periodic reports is to occur according to their respective regulations.

Proposed general guidelines for exemption from amortisation requirements on special grounds

The proposal provides mortgage undertakings with the possibility of granting all new and existing mortgagors a temporary exemption from amortisation requirements. The exemption possibility applies during a severe downturn in the Swedish economy. The current situation due to the spread of the corona virus is a clear example of when the exemption may be granted to all mortgagors amortising in accordance with the amortisation regulations.

Banks may grant all mortgagors amortisation exemption

Banks will have the possibility of offering all new and existing mortgagors an exemption from the amortisation requirements due to the spread of the coronavirus and its effects on the Swedish economy. The exemption will be in force until the end of June 2021. This enables Finansinspektionen to provide all mortgagors with greater manoeuvrability in these uncertain times.

Reporting on money laundering postponed

2020-04-01 | Coronavirus EBA News

Due to the current situation with the ongoing spread of the coronavirus, Finansinspektionen has postponed the deadline for the annual reporting on money laundering and financing of terrorism. The deadline has been pushed forward from 31 March 2020 to 30 April 2020.

ESMA statement on extended deadlines for publishing financial statements

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published a statement on the coronavirus pandemic’s impact on the possibilities of listed companies to fulfil the requirements on when publication of financial statements is to occur according to the Transparency Directive. The Directive has been implemented into Swedish law through the Securities Market Act.

FI expects banks and credit market companies to stop dividend payments

The spread of the coronavirus has created immediate challenges for society and caused economic disruptions throughout Sweden and the global economy. The forecasts for the Swedish economy are rapidly deteriorating. Therefore, it is important the we safeguard a stable supply of credit to households and firms and maintain good resilience in the system. Banks and credit market companies play a crucial role in this respect.

FI delays decision on SEB until June

FI is delaying the decision that will conclude the ongoing sanction assessment in the investigation into the governance and control of anti-money laundering measures at Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (SEB). FI is now planning to pass its decision in June.

EBA’s statement on payment delays linked to COVID-19

2020-03-25 | Coronavirus EBA News

The spread of the coronavirus has introduced considerable challenges for society as a whole, and even the financial system. We find ourselves in an exceptional situation, and uncertainty is widespread. These extraordinary circumstances demand appropriate application of existing regulations, including rules for forbearance and assessment of a significant increase in credit risk.

Swedbank fined for serious deficiencies in its measures to combat money laundering

Swedbank AB has had serious deficiencies in its management of the risk of money laundering in its Baltic operations. This is the conclusion of parallel investigations into parent company Swedbank AB and its subsidiary bank Swedbank AS in Estonia that were conducted by Swedish Finansinspektionen (FI) and Estonian Finantsinspektsioon.

FI will hold a press conference related to Swedbank

Finansinspektionen (FI) will hold a press conference on Thursday, 19 March, following the decision by FI’s Board of Directors regarding the investigation into Swedbank’s measures to combat money laundering.

Loss of income due to corona-virus a cause for exemption from amortisation

Due to the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), many households and firms may be exposed to economic stress. Even if the crisis is expected to be temporary, its effects can be far-reaching. Banks and borrowers may agree to reduce or suspend amortisation payments temporarily given special grounds. FI considers the loss of income linked to COVID-19 to qualify as special grounds.

Decision by FI’s Board of Directors: the countercyclical buffer rate is lowered to zero

During an extraordinary meeting today, Monday, 16 March, FI’s Board of Directors decided to adopt a countercyclical buffer rate of 0 per cent in accordance with the proposal presented on Friday, 13 March 2020.

FI on liquidity coverage ratios (LCR) for Swedish banks

2020-03-16 | Coronavirus EBA News

Given the current circumstances, FI would like to clarify that it will temporarily allow banks to fall below the liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) for individual currencies and total currencies.

Proposed amendment to regulations due to reduction in countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen proposes that the buffer rate be lowered by 2.5 percentage points and set at 0 per cent.

FI lowers the countercyclical capital buffer to zero

The spread of the coronavirus disease is sending serious economic shocks throughout the world and in Sweden. There is currently widespread uncertainty about the future course of events and how far-reaching the economic impact will be. The economic disruptions and the greater uncertainty are also affecting the financial system. Finansinspektionen (FI) will therefore lower the countercyclical capital buffer requirement for banks from 2.5 per cent to 0 per cent. This corresponds to a reduction of around SEK 45 billion. The buffer is being lowered pre-emptively to ensure a well-functioning supply of credit, which helps firms and households maintain production, consumption and investments.

FI comments on COVID-19 and the banks

The spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is having a financial impact on firms and households around the world. There is considerable uncertainty about how much the disease will impact the global economy. This economic uncertainty also affects the financial system.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q4 2019

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q4 2019.

Extra Board Meeting on 19 March at 9:00 AM

The agenda for this meeting includes the investigation into Swedbank AB’s governance and control of anti-money laundering measures in the bank’s subsidiaries in the Baltic countries.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 29 January not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 2.5 per cent, which has applied since 19 September 2019, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.18 per cent.

Increased capital requirements on bank loans for commercial real estate

Finansinspektionen (FI) considers there to be elevated risks in the banks’ lending for commercial real estate. The banks should hold more capital for these exposures, which is why FI is raising the capital requirements.

Finansinspektionen is changing SFTP connection for TRS 2

2020-01-23 | News Reporting Markets

The IP addresses for the production and test environment will change for TRSII SFTP. This change will go into effect on 24 February.

Increased transparency on carbon pricing can strengthen the financial system

FI will explore the possibility of advocating both nationally and internationally increased disclosure of firms’ internal carbon pricing.

New log-in for reporting stock exchange information and major shareholding notifications

2020-01-10 | News Reporting Markets

On 17 February 2020, FI is introducing a new portal for reporting stock exchange information (previously called “financial reports”) and major shareholding notifications. The new log-in requires BankID and will completely replace the old method of logging in. However, the reporting procedure itself has not been altered and reports are submitted exactly the same way as before.


Clarification on the impact for Swedish banks from revised Basel standards

2019-12-23 | EBA News Stability

In relation to the report published by the European Banking Authority (EBA) in August Finansinspektionen would like to make the following clarification on the impact for Swedish banks of the revised Basel standards. According to Finansinspektionen’s calculation, the increase in tier 1 minimum required capital would be about 30 per cent instead of 53 per cent as shown in the report from the EBA (keeping the assumptions and methodology set by EBA, but taking into account the current Swedish mortgage floor for the current risk-weighted assets).

FI opens sanction case in SEB investigation

FI is opening a sanction case in the investigation into Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB’s (SEB) governance and control of measures to combat money laundering in the bank’s subsidiaries in the Baltic countries.

Planned service disruptions in FI’s reporting systems

2019-12-02 | News Reporting Markets

From Monday, 2 December, to Tuesday, 10 December, all of FI’s reporting systems will experience service disruptions or closures due to planned maintenance and updates. The extent to which individual systems will be affected will vary.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2019

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2019.

FI opens sanction case in Swedbank investigation

FI is opening a sanction case in the investigation into Swedbank AB’s governance and control of measures to combat money laundering in the bank’s subsidiaries in the Baltic countries.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 24 October not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 2.5 per cent, which has applied since 19 September 2019, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.16 per cent.

ESRB recommendation to Sweden for vulnerabilities in the residential real estate sector

2019-09-23 | ESRB Mortgage News

The European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) has issued warnings to five EEA countries and recommendations to six EU countries for medium-term vulnerabilities in their respective residential real estate sectors. Sweden is one of the countries that receives a recommendation. The recommendation suggests appropriate actions to address the identified vulnerabilities. In 2016, the ESRB issued a warning to Sweden regarding risks in the residential real estate sector.

Martin Noréus resigns from FI

2019-09-18 | News About FI Bank

FI’s Deputy Director General and Executive Director of Banking, Martin Noréus, has resigned from his position at FI to become Chief Compliance Officer at Handelsbanken.

Reinhold Europe AB must pay administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that Reinhold Europe AB must pay an administrative fine of SEK 750,000.

StrateVic Finance Group AB must pay administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that StrateVic Finance Group AB must pay an administrative fine of SEK 1,500,000.

New rules on contingency mechanisms for a dedicated interface

2019-09-13 | PSD 2 News Bank

New rules enter into force in the EU on 14 September 2019 on contingency mechanisms for a dedicated interface. Finansinspektionen would therefore like to provide the following information for firms under supervision.

New rules on strong customer authentication

2019-09-13 | PSD 2 EBA News

FI is publishing a Q&A on new rules that will go into effect on 14 September.

Comments to questions about conflict of interest in the supervision of Swedbank

2019-08-29 | News About FI Bank

Due to the announcement that Folksam’s CEO Jens Henriksson has been named President and CEO of Swedbank, FI has received questions about whether this gives rise to a conflict of interest since FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen was previously Managing Director of KPA, which Folksam owns together with SKL.

Timeframe for investigations into Swedish banks’ management of money laundering risks in the Baltics

During the month of July, FI sent notification letters to SEB and Swedbank as part of the investigations into the banks’ management and control of money laundering risks in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q2 2019

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q2 2019.

New Chief Legal Counsel

2019-08-19 | News About FI

Eric Leijonram named Chief Legal Counsel at Finansinspektionen.

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen reappointed to ESMA’s Management Board

2019-07-11 | ESMA News About FI

FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen was reappointed to the Management Board of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) for a further 2½ year term.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 5 July not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 2.5 per cent, which will be applied as of 19 September 2019, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.04 per cent.

Hoylu AB receives an administrative fine

Finansinspektionen (FI) has decided that Hoylu AB (Hoylu) must pay an administrative fine of SEK 2.1 million due to deficiencies in following the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). Hoylu, a company in the field of communication, is an issuer listed on Nasdaq First North.

Banks’ lending to commercial real estate firms requires more capital

2019-05-28 | News Stability Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) considers the firms in the Swedish financial system to have sufficient resilience for withstanding a weaker economy. However, commercial real estate firms are vulnerable to shocks. FI therefore makes the assessment that the banks need more capital for these exposures. This is one of the conclusions in FI’s first stability report for the year, which is being presented today.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q1 2019

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q1 2019.

Nordic and Baltic financial supervisors enhance cooperation to fight money laundering

Heads of the Nordic and Baltic financial supervisors met today in Stockholm. They agreed on measures to enhance the cooperation between the authorities with the aim of fighting money laundering and terrorist financing.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 6 May not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 2.5 per cent, which will be applied as of 19 September 2019, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.15 per cent.

FI’s comments following publication in the media of extracts from verification letters

FI sends verification letters at an early stage of its investigation process, and the aim of this letter is to verify the facts of the case. Verification letters may at times also include preliminary assessments, but these assessments assume that the information FI received is correct and has been understood correctly.

TRS2 Test environment will be closed for an upgrade

2019-04-24 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 29 April 2019, the test environment of TRS2 will be closed and not available due to an upgrade to a new version of the system. Finansinspektionen will announce when the system is available again.

FI comments on the recent events involving Swedbank

Over the past few weeks, the media has reported on potentially major problems related to money laundering primarily in Swedbank’s Estonian operations. These reports have caused the bank’s share price to fall and had a negative impact on the bank’s reputation.

More households are amortising, but households still have high debt

2019-03-27 | Mortgage News Stability

New mortgagors are amortising, borrowing less and buying less expensive homes, but many still have high debt. These are FI’s conclusions in this year’s mortgage report. FI is also publishing an FI Analysis that shows the stricter amortisation requirement has reduced the percentage of borrowers with high debt in relation to their income.

Report from Forensic Risk Alliance is part of FI’s investigation

FI has received a copy of Swedbank’s external review that was initiated by reports in the media of suspected money laundering in the Baltics.

FI has received report on suspected money laundering

FI confirms that it received a report from Swedbank on 1 March regarding suspected money laundering.

FI’s liquidity coverage ratio requirements in individual currencies and diversification of covered bonds in the liquidity buffer

2019-03-05 | Regulations News Bank

In this memorandum, Finansinspektionen (FI) develops its view on several specific areas of the EU regulatory framework for liquidity regulation.

FI’s comments regarding customer relationships and confidentiality

SVT’s investigative journalism program Uppdrag Granskning has reported on certain transactions that occurred through Swedbank’s operations in the Baltics.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2018

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to the supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of the fourth quarter 2018.

FI’s comments on the supervision of anti-money laundering activities in the Baltics

Due to the reports in the media regarding suspected money laundering in Swedbank’s Estonian operations, FI is issuing the following comments.

Joint statement by the Estonian and Swedish Financial Supervisory Authorities

Eesti Finantsinspektioon (the Estonian FSA) and Finansinspektionen (the Swedish FSA) consider the reports regarding suspected money laundering that yesterday were made public yesterday on Swedish television (SVT) to be very serious. It is extremely important that the banks’ senior management and boards of directors view these matters seriously and take all necessary actions to ensure compliance with laws and regulations.

FI’s comments on Uppdrag Granskning’s disclosures regarding suspected money laundering

FI considers the disclosures regarding suspected money laundering presented by SVT’s program Uppdrag Granskning to be very serious. FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen has made the assessment in several interviews in conjunction with the events in Danske Bank that the possibility of Swedish banks being involved in money laundering cannot be ruled out entirely, but that the scope is most likely more narrow than what has been identified in Danske Bank.

FI's comments regarding the supervision of money laundering

We consider the recent disclosures regarding money laundering and other regulatory infringements in Swedish banks to be very serious. It is extremely important for the banks' management teams and boards of directors to take these matters seriously and ensure that the banks are following the laws and regulations.

Avanza Pension receives warning and administrative fine

2019-02-20 | News Insurance

FI is issuing Avanza Pension a warning for insufficient management of technical provisions and reporting. Avanza Pension must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 35 million.

TRS 2 will be closed for servicing

2019-02-13 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 20 February, the TRS 2 system will not be available at the beginning of the day due to a service window. The system is planned to reopen after 4 p.m.

ESMA postpones changes to transaction reporting

2019-02-07 | ESMA News Reporting

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has announced that the transition to the new XML Schema and updated validation rules will not occur on Monday, 18 February 2019, as earlier planned. It will now be postponed until Q3 2019.

Request for the release of documents, FI’s decision and the rulings of the Administrative Court of Appeal

FI would like to clarify which decisions FI has made, which decisions were appealed and which rulings the courts announced with regard to a number of investigations into money laundering at Swedish banks.

Statement regarding Nordic-Baltic financial crisis simulation, January 2019

2019-01-31 | News Markets Insurance

The Nordic and Baltic financial stability authorities have conducted a joint financial crisis management exercise. The exercise was held from 22 to 23 January 2019 and involved 31 authorities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden as well as relevant European Union authorities. A staff member of the International Monetary Fund observed the simulation.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 30 January not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 2.5 per cent, which will be applied as of 19 September 2019, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.29 per cent.

The Administrative Court of Appeal rejects Svenska Dagbladet’s appeal

The newspaper Svenska Dagbladet previously appealed FI’s decisions regarding drafts of assessments in investigation matters. The Administrative Court of Appeal of Stockholm announced its ruling in the case today. The Administrative Court of Appeal upholds FI’s decision and thus rejects Svenska Dagbladet’s appeal.

Banks need to prepare for new requirements on the IRB approach

2019-01-16 | News Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI) is encouraging institutions that apply the IRB approach to analyse their rating systems to ensure that these systems meet forthcoming new requirements. Under the new requirements, Swedish institutions will need to change their rating methods. Such changes require FI’s approval.

How FI will continue to handle the event where a member was declared in default on the commodity market

2019-01-09 | IOSCO ESMA News

FI is continuing to analyse the event that occurred in September 2018 when a member on the commodity market was declared in default. We describe here several of the issues that FI is currently analysing. We are also publishing a discussion paper that FI wrote to contribute to an ongoing international discussion on auctions as a method to manage a default in a central counterparty.


FI has not manipulated public documents

2018-12-18 | News

“The assertion that Finansinspektionen (FI) supposedly manipulated public documents related to money laundering investigations and that were requested by the newspaper Svenska Dagbladet is incorrect,” says FI’s Director General Erik Thedéen. An internal legal assessment that FI is publishing today shows that the documents and their release have been handled correctly. FI’s Board of Directors convened for an extraordinary meeting to receive information about this matter and how it will be handled.

The TRS 2 system is unable to create FD files at the moment

2018-12-07 | News Reporting Markets

At the moment, Friday, 7 December, the TRS 2 system is unable to create FD files (daily feedback).

Higher interest rates test resilience

2018-11-27 | News Stability Consumer

Low interest rates have contributed to high risk-taking, rising asset prices and increasing debt. Higher interest rates in the next few years could reduce risk-taking and thus dampen the build-up of risk. However, unexpectedly large interest rate fluctuations and uncertain global developments could also test the financial sector’s resilience. These are some of the conclusions Finansinspektionen (FI) draws in this year’s second report on the stability in the financial system. The report will be presented at a press conference today.

TRS 2 upgraded to a new system version

2018-11-26 | News Reporting Markets

On Monday, 26 November, TRS 2 was upgraded to a new system version.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of Q3 2018

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of Q3 2018.

Extended system maintenance in TRS 2 system

2018-11-21 | News Reporting Markets

FI is extending the ongoing maintenance and upgrade of the production environment in the TRS2 system until further notice.

Work with sustainability is progressing – but there is still much to be done

FI is publishing today three reports on sustainability. The reports show that the work with sustainability is progressing on several fronts and that the industry’s own initiatives, where relevant, are working. But there is still a lot of work left to be done. FI is also publishing a follow-up report for the Government on FI's work with sustainability-related matters in 2018.

Major Swedish banks show resilience in EU stress test

2018-11-02 | EBA News Stability

The major Swedish banks are resilient and have the ability to withstand a sharp deterioration in the market, according to the stress test conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA).

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 31 October not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of 2.5 per cent, which will be applied as of 19 September 2019, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0.41 per cent.

The Network for Greening the Financial System has published its first report

The members of the international Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) acknowledge in their first report that climate-related risks are a source of financial risk. The Network therefore clarifies that it is within the mandates of central banks and supervisors to ensure the financial system is resilient to climate-related risks.

IOSCO creates a sustainable finance network chaired by Erik Thedéen

The International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) decided today to create a Sustainable Finance Network (SFN).

FI raises the countercyclical buffer rate

FI has decided to raise the buffer rate from 2.0 to 2.5 per cent. The reason for this change is that the systemic risks have increased.

Finansinspektionen follows closely the developments at Nasdaq Clearing

2018-09-14 | News Markets

Finansinspektionen has an ongoing dialogue with Nasdaq Clearing given that the company decided to declare a member in the firm’s commodity market in default. Finansinspektionen is also in contact with other affected authorities and organisations.

FI's comments on Nasdaq Clearing's decision today

2018-09-12 | News Markets

Nasdaq Clearing AB has decided to declare a clearing member in the firm’s commodity market in default. The member is active in the electricity derivatives markets through trading on the Norwegian Stock Exchange, Nasdaq Oslo ASA. These financial instruments are centrally cleared in Nasdaq Clearing AB, a firm under Finansinspektionen’s (FI’s) supervision.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the second quarter 2018

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to the supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of the second quarter 2018.

FI grants Nordea authorisation to move to Finland

2018-08-23 | News Stability Bank

Finansinspektionen (FI) grants Nordea Bank AB authorisation to execute its merger plan and thus move the bank’s head office to Finland.

Proposal to change Finansinspektionenʼs Regulations (FFFS 2014:33) regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen proposes to raise the countercyclical buffer rate to 2,5 percent. The rate is currently at 2 percent. The change will be effective from the 19 September 2019.

FI open to raising the countercyclical buffer rate in September

The next occasion on which FI will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in September. FI's Director General has decided that the preparatory work for the decision shall focus on enabling an increase in the rate to 2.5 per cent if such is deemed necessary. The countercyclical buffer is currently 2.0 per cent.

ESMA on the exemption for pension scheme arrangements from the clearing obligation

2018-07-05 | ESMA News EMIR

The European Securities and Markets Authority (Esma) published on 3 July 2018 a statement on the exemption for pension scheme arrangements (PSAs) from the clearing obligation. The objective of the statement is to avoid, to the extent possible, disruption after 17 August 2018 when the current exemption for PSAs from the clearing obligation expires.

Opinions from the ESRB and the EBA regarding changed method for application of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2018-07-04 | ESRB Mortgage EBA

The ESRB and the EBA have submitted their Opinions to the European Council, the European Commission and Finansinspektionen regarding Finansinspektionen's intention to change its method for the application of the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages.

Esma publishes new information regarding the LEI requirements under MiFIR

2018-06-26 | News Reporting MiFID

ESMA published new information on 20 June 2018 regarding the LEI requirements under MiFIR. The publication confirms that the last day for the temporary period that was brought-in in December 2017 to allow for a smooth introduction of the LEI requirements will be 2 July 2018.

Operational disruptions in TRS 2 Production

2018-06-26 | News Reporting Markets

On Wednesday, 27 June, there will be operational disturbances in the TRS2 production environment due to an upgrade to a new system version.

Changes in reporting of holdings

2018-06-21 | Funds News Reporting

Finansinspektionen is making changes to the reporting of holdings for funds. The changes will go into effect in January 2019.The changes to the reporting aim to achieve more effective supervision of both individual funds and the fund market as a whole.

Förlängt underhåll och driftstörningar i TRS 2 Produktion

2018-06-08 | News Reporting Markets

On Friday, 8 June, the TRS 2 production environment will still be closed for maintenance.

Operational disruption in TRS 2 Production

2018-06-07 | News Reporting Markets

On Thursday, 7 June, the TRS 2 production environment will be closed for maintenance.

Risks can build up when the economy is strong

2018-05-29 | News Stability Consumer

The Swedish economy continues to be strong, and resilience in the financial system is satisfactory. However, a long period of low interest rates and strong growth has resulted in an elevated risk appetite, high asset prices and high debt. This makes the financial sector more sensitive to shocks, writes Finansinspektionen (FI) in the first Stability Report of the year, which is being presented today.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the first quarter 2018

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the largest Swedish banks and credit institutions that belong to the supervisory categories 1 and 2 as of the end of the first quarter 2018.

Major upcoming changes to banks’ credit risk modelling

The regulatory and supervisory frameworks for banks’ internal rating based (IRB) approaches will be significantly adjusted over the coming years. The overall objective is to increase the robustness of capital requirements and ensure consistency across banks. Well-functioning IRB models are key to the capital assessment of the larger Swedish banks and hence a supervisory priority for FI.

Operational disruption in TRS 2 Production

2018-05-02 | News Reporting Markets

On Thursday, 3 May, the TRS 2 production environment will experience operational disruptions due to an upgrade to a new system version.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 26 April not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of two per cent, which has applied since 19 March 2017, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0 per cent.

Solidar Fonder AB receives a warning and an administrative fine

2018-04-18 | News Markets

Finansinspektionen (FI) is issuing Solidar Fonder AB (Solidar) a warning. The company must also pay an administrative fine of SEK 10 million.

TRS 2 closed for maintenance

2018-04-12 | News Reporting MiFID

On Friday,13 April, TRS 2 will be closed for maintenance.

Households continue to take on large mortgages

2018-04-04 | Mortgage News Stability

Household debt is continuing to rise. The number of new mortgagors with a high level of debt in relation to their income or the value of their home continues to be high. These are the conclusions drawn by Finansinspektionen (FI) from this year’s mortgage survey, which is being presented today. FI also highlights how tenant-owner associations’ debt increases the risks for households.

Erik Thedéen re-elected Vice-Chair of IOSCO's European Regional Committee

2018-04-03 | IOSCO News About FI

Finansinspektionen's Director General Erik Thedéen has been re-elected as Vice-Chairman of the International Organization of Securities Commissions' (IOSCO) European Regional Committee (ERC) for the period 2018-2020.

Proposal to change method for the application of the risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages

2018-03-28 | Mortgage News Stability

Finansinspektionen (FI) is proposing to change the method it currently uses to apply the current risk weight floor for Swedish mortgages through Pillar 2 by replacing it with a requirement within the framework of Article 458 of CRR. The change is proposed to enter into force on 31 December 2018.

FI updates information about periodic reporting required by the Anti-Money Laundering Act

FI has updated the instructions and FAQs about the periodic reporting firms under Finansinspektionen’s supervision are required to file according to the Anti-Money Laundering Act.

FI’s 2017 Annual report: A word from the Director General

2018-03-07 | News About FI

The following is a summary of the year by Director General Erik Thedéen that is included as the introduction to the annual report.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2017

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the fourth quarter 2017.

New Senior Advisor at FI

2018-02-22 | News About FI

Anders Kvist has been named a Senior Advisor to FI’s Director General.

Videos about anti-money laundering now in English

FI has translated into English its educational videos about efforts to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

New Nordic-Baltic Memorandum of Understanding

2018-02-09 | News Stability Markets

The Swedish Ministry of Finance, the Riksbank, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) and the Swedish National Debt Office in its role as resolution authority, have produced, together with their equivalents in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Norway a new Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and coordination on cross-border financial stability.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) decided on 29 January not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of two per cent, which has applied since 19 March 2017, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0 per cent.

First meeting of the Network for Greening the Financial System

2018-01-29 | News Markets Insurance

The international Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) held its inaugural meeting in Paris last week.

Application of transparency rules in accordance with MiFID II/MiFIR for Swedish trading venues and investment firms

2018-01-16 | ESMA News MiFID

FI establishes its adaptation to the new transparency rules that will go into effect on 3 January 2018 in conjunction with the new European regulatory framework: the Directive and the Regulation on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II/MiFIR).

FI publishes supplementary transparency calculations for MiFIR/MiFID II

2018-01-05 | ESMA News MiFID

In accordance with the announcement published on 7 December 2017, FI has carried out supplementary transparency calculations for equity instruments and bonds admitted for trading on a Swedish trading venue in November and December 2017.


FI recognises the risk weight floor for Finnish mortgage exposures

2017-12-27 | Mortgage News Stability

Finansinspektionen has passed a decision to recognise the Finnish supervisory authority’s decision to implement an average, firm-specific risk weight floor of 15 per cent for Finnish mortgage exposures.

More efficient handling of applications to use the IRB approach for credit risk

Finansinspektionen (FI) is changing its procedure for handling of applications for permission to use the IRB approach for credit risk.

AIFM reporting to Finansinspektionen

2017-12-22 | ESMA News Reporting

Finansinspektionen (FI) has identified common errors in the AIFM reporting. FI includes below a list of the most common errors as well as a description of how AIF-managers should fill in the rows in ESMA’s reporting forms.

ESMA and FI publish transparency calculations for MiFIR/MiFID II

2017-12-07 | ESMA News MiFID

ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, has published transparency calculations for equities and bonds prior to the entry into force of MiFIR/MiFID II on 3 January 2018. FI will also publish some supplementary calculations.

Important information about transaction reporting in accordance with MiFID

2017-11-27 | News Reporting MiFID

The last trading date for transactions in financial instruments that must be reported to FI’s current transaction reporting system, TRS, is 2 January 2018. The TRS system will be open until 23:59 PM on 12 January 2018 to receive transactions and/or cancellations of transactions in accordance with MiFID with trading dates up to an including 2 January 2018.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the third quarter 2017

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the third quarter 2017.

Operational disruptions in the TRS 1 system

2017-11-20 | News Reporting Markets

There will be operational disruptions in the TRS 1 system today, 20 November 2017. The disruptions affect rapporteurs submitting encrypted files.

Proposal for a stricter amortisation requirement for households with high loan-to-income ratios

2017-11-13 | Mortgage News Stability

FI is proposing changes to Finansinspektionen’s regulations (FFFS 2016:16) regarding amortisation of loans collateralised by residential property. The regulations cover mortgages granted by credit institutions, i.e. banks and credit market companies.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

FI decided on 25 October not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of two per cent, which has applied since 19 March 2017, shall thus continue to apply.

Information about forthcoming periodic reporting in accordance with Finansinspektionen’s regulations FFFS 2017:11

On 1 August, the new Money Laundering Act entered into force as well as FI’s new regulations. According to these new regulations, firms under FI’s supervision must report data that enables FI to assess the risk that firms will be used for money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Delayed publication of short-selling notification

2017-10-19 | News Markets

Finansinspektionen was late with its publication of a short-selling notification from Coatue Management.

ESMA publishes reference data and instructions for downloading files

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has published instructions on how to access the reference data that is covered by the MAR and MiFID II/MiFIR regulations. The EU authority has also published current reference data that is available for download.

Comments on Nordea's decision to move its head office

2017-09-06 | News Bank

Nordea passed a decision today to move its head office to Helsinki. The bank represents a large part of the Swedish financial market, but it is too early to say how the decision will impact Finansinspektionen’s supervision.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the second quarter 2017

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the second quarter 2017.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

FI decided on 14 July not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of two per cent, which has applied since 19 March 2017, shall thus continue to apply.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the first quarter 2017

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the first quarter 2017.

New page about transaction reporting for MiFID2/MiFIR

2017-05-17 | News Reporting MiFID

A new webpage is now available with information about the transaction reporting required under MiFID 2/MiFIR.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

FI decided on 27 April not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of two per cent, which has applied since 19 March 2017, shall thus continue to apply.

Updated categorisation of Swedish credit institutions

2017-04-27 | EBA News Bank

FI has updated its supervision categorisation of Swedish credit institutions for 2017. Two credit institutions have changed category.

Preschool children can learn about personal finances

A feasibility study conducted by Finansinspektionen in collaboration with Mälardalen University has determined that it is possible to teach preschool children about money and finances. Small children are happy to talk about money, but preschool teachers are not experienced in talking to them about personal finances.

Welcome to FI’s Consumer Protection Day on 11 May 2017

2017-04-27 | News Consumer

On Thursday, 11 May, it is once again time for FI’s Consumer Protection Day. Director General Erik Thedéen and Executive Director Malin Omberg will present FI’s work with consumer protection on the financial market. The agenda includes a discussion surrounding over-indebtedness and the measures available to counteract such a development. The moderator is Willy Silberstein. Please note that the programme will be held in Swedish.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

FI decided on 29 March 2017 not to change the countercyclical buffer rate. The buffer rate of two per cent, which has applied since 19 March 2017, shall thus continue to apply. The countercyclical buffer guide is set at 0 per cent.

FI’s 2016 Annual report

2017-02-27 | News About FI

FI hereby presents the most recent operational year in its annual report for 2016. The following is a summary of the year by Director General Erik Thedéen that is included as the introduction to the annual report.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2016

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the fourth quarter 2016.

Report suspicious transactions

2017-01-31 | News Money laundering

FI is sending out a letter and brochure today to all of the firms under its supervision about the requirement to report suspected money laundering and terrorism financing. In order to reach as many people as possible, the brochure is available in six languages (Swedish, English, Persian, Arabic, Finnish and French) and two short, informational videos (in Swedish and English) are available online.

Welcome to the new

2017-01-24 | News About FI

The new has arrived - with new design, new structure and partially new content.

FI aims for unchanged countercyclical buffer rate in March

The next occasion on which Finansinspektionen (FI) will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in March. The preparatory work ahead of the next decision shall focus on maintaining the rate at its current level, which is currently 2 per cent.

FI to get a new website

2017-01-24 | News About FI

The new will soon be unveiled - with completely new design, structure and (in places) content.

Martin Noréus new Executive Director of Banking

2017-01-10 | News About FI

Starting on 23 January, Martin Noréus will take over as the new Executive Director of the Banking Section at FI. He will also continue in his role as the Deputy Director General.


FI’s capital assessment method for securitisation within Pillar 2

In this memorandum, FI describes its view of securitisation and the risks (primarily flowback) that FI sees and that are not taken into consideration in the banks’ current capital requirements.

Decision regarding reciprocation of macroprudential measures in two EU countries

2016-12-27 | ESRB News Stability

FI has published decisions regarding reciprocation of macroprudential measures in Estonia and Belgium.

Calibration of stress test for the capital planning buffer

Finansinspektionen’s stress test method to determine the capital planning buffers for the major banks, credit market companies and securities companies is divided into general overarching methodologies and a specific calibration of risk parameters. The specific calibration of risk parameters can be changed by FI on a year-by-year basis.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the third quarter 2016

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the third quarter 2016.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the second quarter 2016

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the second quarter 2016.

FI decides on stress test methodology for determining the capital planning buffer

FI has now decided on the stress test methodology that will be used for determining the capital planning buffer for the largest Swedish bank companies. The methodology, which is described in more detail it in a new memorandum, is based on the proposal that FI published on the 9 May.

Swedish banks show resilience in European stress test

2016-07-29 | EBA News Bank

The major Swedish banks have resilience against a sharp deterioration of the economic environment. This is the result of an EU-wide stress test performed by the European Banking Authority (EBA).

FI aims for unchanged countercyclical buffer rate in September

The next occasion on which Finansinspektionen (FI) will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in September. FI’s Board of Directors has decided that the preparatory work ahead of the next decision shall focus on maintaining the rate at its current level, which is currently 2 per cent.

FI reiterates its statement from the June 22 on Nordea

FI hereby clarifies that its public statement made on June 22, regarding the internal analysis which was unintendedly published in the media last week, is still valid:

FI monitors developments as they unfold

Finansinspektionen is monitoring the developments following the EU referendum in the UK. We are continuing to maintain a dialogue with the Ministry of Finance, the Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office and keep close contact with the Swedish banks. FI always has contingency plans in place to take measures that will contribute to financial stability.

Comments regarding the referendum in UK

2016-06-24 | News Stability

Finansinspektionen is following the development on the financial markets and is maintaining an ongoing dialogue with the Ministry of Finance, the Riksbank and the National Debt Office. We have contingency plans in place and are working closely with the Swedish banks.

FI agrees with EBA Opinion on accounts and bank services for asylum seekers

2016-06-23 | EBA News Consumer

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the application of customer due diligence measures to customers who are asylum seekers from higher-risk third countries or territories. Finansinspektionen provides its response to the opinion below.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the first quarter 2016

Note: Capital requirements of the Swedish banks, first quarter 1 2016 has been revised. The outcome of the 2015 SREP for Skandiabanken is now accounted for in this memorandum. No other changes have been done."

Stress test methodology for assessment of the capital planning buffer

In this memorandum, FI accounts for the stress test methodology that it intends to use to assess the size of the capital planning buffer for the largest firms.

New rules for insider reporting and insider lists

New rules for insiders will be issued on 3 July 2016. On the 3rd of July 2016 the Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market abuse (MAR) will enter into force and become directly applicable in Swedish law.

IMF evaluates stability and functionality of the financial market in Sweden

2016-04-11 | News Stability

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will visit Sweden at the invitation of the Ministry of Finance and Sveriges Riksbank both in mid-April and in August to make a special assessment of the financial sector and the public authorities' work on financial stability, what is known as an FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program).

FI aims for unchanged countercyclical buffer rate in June

The next occasion on which Finansinspektionen (FI) will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in June. FI's Board of Directors decided on 18 April 2016 that the preparatory work ahead of the next decision shall focus on maintaining the rate at its current level, two per cent.

Notification of home Member State under the Transparency Directive

2016-04-07 | ESMA News Markets

As of February of this year, new rules apply for how notification is made about a home Member State. This text provides a brief description of what the new rules entail.

Nordea applies for permission to merge its Nordic subsidiary banks

2016-03-21 | News Bank

Nordea Bank AB (Nordea) has filed an application with Finansinspektionen to merge its wholly owned subsidiaries of Nordea Bank Norge ASA, Nordea Bank Finland Plc and Nordea Bank Denmark A / S with Nordea.

Erik Thedéen named Vice-Chair of IOSCO's European Regional Committee

2016-03-16 | News About FI Markets

FI Director General Erik Thedéen has been named Vice-Chair of the International Organization of Securities Commissions' (IOSCO) European Regional Committee for the period 2016-2018.

Financing of terrorism

2016-03-15 | News Money laundering

The national risk assessment regarding the financing of terrorism that was published in June 2014 identified a need to become more informed about and aware of terrorism financing. With the aim of becoming more informed, FI commissioned a report from the Center for Asymmetric Threat Studies (CATS) on the threat from terrorism financing and the experiences of measures taken in other countries.

New telephone number for FI

2016-03-10 | News About FI

All telephone numbers to Finansinspektionen have been changed.

Pillar 2 capital requirements for maturity assumptions

FI intends to introduce a maturity floor of 2.5 years under Pillar 2 for banks authorised to use the advanced IRB approach for exposures to corporates.

FI's supervision of banks' calculations of risk weights for exposures to corporates

FI is implementing a new assessment method to evaluate the banks' calculations of risk weights both in general and for exposures to corporates.

Capital requirements of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2015

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital requirements of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the fourth quarter 2015.

FI proposes partial waiver for covered bonds

Finansinspektionen proposes partial waiver from the requirements in Article 129 (1)(c) of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) through a change in FI´s regulation (FFFS 2014:12) regarding prudential requirements and capital buffers.

New Rules for Notification of Changes in major shareholdings

2016-02-01 | News Reporting Markets

An overview of some of the legislative amendments following the entry of the revised Transparency Directive (2013/50/EU) into Swedish law on 1 February 2016.

FI strengthens its management group

2016-01-27 | News

Finansinspektionen has announced that it will be extracting its HR Department from the Administration operational section and creating a shared function for HR issues.

FI open to raising the countercyclical buffer rate in March

The next occasion on which FI will decide on the countercyclical buffer rate is in March. FI's Board of Directors decided on 18 January 2016 that the preparatory work for the decision shall focus on enabling an increase in the rate if such is deemed necessary. The rate is currently at 1.5 per cent.

EBA's MDA Opinion does not change Pillar 2 in Sweden

2016-01-08 | EBA News Bank

In response to the Opinion published by the European Banking Authority (EBA) on 18 December 2015 regarding restrictions on distributions linked to the combined buffer requirement (Opinion of the European Banking Authority on the interaction of Pillar 1, Pillar 2 and combined buffer requirements and restrictions on distributions), Finansinspektionen would like to comment as follows.


Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

FI increases transparency in capital requirement for Swedish banks

FI today disclosed for the first time the actual capital requirements for the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions at the end of the third quarter of 2015. This is to increase clarity with regard to the effects of FI's capital requirements, including Pillar 2.

Erik Thedéen new Director General of Finansinspektionen

2015-10-15 | News About FI

The Government has today appointed Erik Thedéen as the new Director General of Finansinspektionen.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital needs of Swedish banks as of the second quarter 2015

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital needs of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the second quarter 2015.

Recognition of other Member States' countercyclical buffer rates

Finansinspektionen decides to recognize countercyclical buffer rates up to 2.5 per cent that are set by the designated authority of another EEA country. The firms concerned shall use these buffer rates to calculate their firm specific countercyclical capital buffers.

The future structure of banks' capital requirements

At the Financial Stability Council meeting of 15 June, Finansinspektionen presented its views on the future structure of banks' capital requirements.

Joint report to the Financial Stability Council

When representatives of the Government, Finansinspektionen (the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority), the Riksbank and the Swedish National Debt Office met on 15 June in the Financial Stability Council, the authorities all contributed reports as bases for discussion. A summary of the report on driving forces behind household indebtness is now published.

Swedish banks' systemic importance (O-SII)

FI intends to comply with the European Banking Authority's (EBA) guidelines on criteria to assess other systemically important institutions (O-SIIs).

Capital needs of Swedish banks as of the first quarter 2015

Finansinspektionen publishes the capital needs of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the first quarter 2015.

Martin Noréus appointed acting Director General

2015-04-16 | News About FI

The Government has today decided to appoint Martin Noréus as acting Director General until such time as an ordinary Director General is appointed.

Martin Andersson leaves FI

2015-04-09 | News About FI

Martin Andersson is leaving his post as Director General of Finansinspektionen (FI) to become a partner with the consultancy firm Oliver Wyman.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Capital needs of Swedish banks as of the fourth quarter 2014

Finansinspektionen publishes today the capital needs of the ten largest Swedish banks and credit institutions as of the end of the fourth quarter 2014.


FI intends to implement a partial waiver for covered bonds

2014-12-29 | EBA News Bank

The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published its opinion regarding the Danish FSA's proposal of a partial waiver from the application of Article 129 (1)(c) of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR). Finansinspektionen will also implement the partial waiver within its jurisdicition.

Finansinspektionen and financial stability

2014-12-15 | News Stability

Financial stability is the ability of the financial system to uphold its core functions in changing economic conditions. Besides resilience of the financial system, FI has been given responsibility for counteracting imbalances on the credit market.

FI's methods for assessing individual types of risk within Pillar 2

This memorandum describes FI's methods for assessing the capital adequacy requirement within the framework of Pillar 2 for three different types of risk.

Decision regarding the countercyclical buffer rate

Finansinspektionen (FI) shall, in accordance with the Capital Buffers Act (2014:966), set a countercyclical buffer guide and a countercyclical buffer rate for each quarter.

Leverage ratio requirement for Swedish banks

Finansinspektionen (Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority – FI) considers that a leverage ratio requirement may serve an important function for establishing financial stability in Sweden as a back-stop, which sets a floor for how low the capital adequacy requirement can fall in relation to the banks' gross assets.

Swedish insurance companies assessed in stress test

2014-12-01 | EIOPA News Solvens 2

The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority, EIOPA, has conducted EU-wide stress tests to assess the resilience of European insurance undertakings to adverse market developments. In the Swedish part of the exercise, ten large insurance groups and insurance companies, who account for more than half of the Swedish insurance market, participated.

Victory Life put into liquidation (updated information)

2014-11-28 | News Consumer

Foreign insurance provider Victory Life has been put into liquidation as of 25 November 2014 by the order of a court of the British Virgin Islands.

Swedish banks pass the European stress test

2014-10-26 | EBA News Stability

FI has tested the resilience of the major Swedish banks to a sharp deterioration in the economy. The study is part of the extensive stress test of 123 European banks coordinated by EBA.

Capital requirements for Swedish banks

On 3 April, the Government presented a bill regarding strengthened capital adequacy rules.

Supervision of the financial infrastructure works well

2014-03-27 | IOSCO ESMA News

Finansinspektionen's and The Riksbank's joint internal audit has assessed the supervision and oversight of the financial infrastructures in Sweden on the basis of the "Principles for financial market infrastructures” (PFMIs) which Finansinspektionen use in its supervision and The Riksbank in its oversight.

Martin Noréus becomes Deputy Director General

2014-02-03 | News About FI

FI is expanding and strengthening its organisation with a new position. As of 1 February, Martin Noréus is Deputy Director General.