Submit and pay

The following page describes how to submit your application and pay the application fee.

Digital submission

You can submit your application digitally, although there are some situations where we might need paper documents. These situations are listed on or in the applicable regulations.

Remember to send each application in a separate email.

If you need to email sensitive information, encrypt the email and any attachments. Do not use password protection.

How to send encrypted emails.

Applications for prospectuses and insurance mediation

The following authorisation applications follow a different procedure:

Prospectuses and public takeover documents and related matters. Prospectus: Apply for approval, etc.

Insurance intermediaries that can use an e-service. Insurance distribution: liability insurance, authorisation application, etc.

Application for all other authorisations

All other applications should follow the steps below:

1) Email your application/notification to (in Swedish)

Specify for each application

  • purpose of the application or notification
  • legal basis
  • name of applicant
  • personal ID number or CIN of applicant
  • contact person for the application/notification

2) Attach the application and any appendices. Many of the applications/notifications require specific forms. These are available at

FI's application/notification forms (in Swedish)

You can compress large files and email them as .zip files.

Automatic reply

After you have emailed your application, you will receive an automatic reply confirming that we have received it.

Administrator letter

Within five business days after you have emailed your application/notification to FI, you will receive a letter specifying the responsible administrator and the reference number for the application/notification. You will also receive information about the fee that applies to your application/notification and instructions for how to pay the fee.


Once you have been informed about the fee, legal basis and reference number, you may pay the fee. FI will begin to process the application/notification after you have paid the fee.

Application fees (in Swedish)

Applications/notifications may be rejected if FI has not received payment within 30 days from the date the administrator letter was sent. You will receive a reminder about the payment before FI rejects your application/notification.

Last reviewed: 2020-01-02